Last week, Kid Runner released the music video for “Give Me Something To Love.” Kid Runner is a dynamic synth-pop band from Columbus, OH and will be releasing their EP, Give Me Something To Love, on August 12. We talked to the band about the meaning behind the song, and how their songs come together. Check out what Fran Litterski had to say below.
“All of our songs end up starting in very different ways. This stems from us being an extremely collaborative band. Sometimes it’ll start with a guitar riff Kurt’s been playing, or a melody idea from Drew or I. Other times, Scott, our bass player who does all of our production, will create a production bed that ends up inspiring a Kid Runner song.
“Give Me Something To Love” started just like that. Scott showed everyone this amazing sound bed that he’d created. It was just the intro to the song we have now, and we absolutely loved it. We started working on it back in 2015 and we kept getting stuck. Nothing was feeling exactly right, so we decided to put it aside for awhile. This past January when we were writing for our ‘Body Language’ EP, we dug it out of our trusty demo folder and Drew started ad-libbing over the chorus. At one point, he just kind of shout/sang “so give me something to love” and everyone was like “hey…that sounded really cool.”
From there, the meaning of the song started to form. “Give Me Something To Love” is all about being different and accepting those quirks. Getting tired of people trying to fit you into some category. Breaking out of boxes, coloring outside of the lines and just generally feeling alive. Finally finding yourself, looking around, and saying “Hey, I’m ready now. Give me something to love.”
Filed under: Behind The Song Tagged: behind the song, give me something to love, kid runner