Career Magazine

Become a Top Wedding Planner – Ditch the “Done-For-You” Wedding Marketing Packages

By Sharonhill @sharonhill

Become a Top Wedding Planner – Ditch the “Done-For-You” Wedding Marketing Packages

A wedding planner recently told me that she was not getting the results she expected from her online marketing efforts. She was on Facebook and Twitter, offered an free report on her website to collect email addresses, and sent out ezines. Yet, she got little response.

When I looked at her marketing information I understood why. The information was cookie cutter. She had bought “done-for-you” marketing packages that had supplied all of the marketing messages, tips, ezines and articles. The information she was putting out was unfocused, not at all targeted to the niche she told me she was marketing to, there was no branding, every marketing piece had a different look, and, worse of all, it was very evident that she had not had a hand in creating any of it. In fact, her free report still had the name of the author on it.

So while she was staying in touch with potential clients, she wasn’t doing it in a way that would highlight her unique abilities and expertise and differentiate her from other wedding planners. Instead, her marketing gave the message that she couldn’t take the time to learn what they wanted and needed, and wasn’t interested in providing high-quality information. This would make brides believe that  she would not be a creative wedding planner who would work hard to meet their needs.

Don’t buy shortcuts.

Write your own marketing.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does have to come from you. Take the time to find out the information the brides in your niche would value and would encourage them to respond favorably to your messages by contacting you to be their wedding planner.

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