Food & Drink Magazine

Banana and Cinnamon Bedtime Snack (Dairy, Gluten/Grain and Sugar Free)

By Irene Shaver @hhwife
I love this snack.  It tastes great, is simple and healthy.  Bananas are also high in potassium and magnesium which are both muscle relaxants so a little banana may actually help you go to sleep.  So perhaps this could be a reason for a little bedtime snack?  I have used this often as a dessert for the girls as they bedtime is quite soon after dinner.  A little real maple syrup on top, for those Canadians, makes this even sweeter ;)
Banana and Cinnamon Bedtime Snack (Dairy, Gluten/Grain and Sugar Free) Ingredients
  • Ripe bananas (the more ripe, the more nutrients)
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • Real Maple Syrup (optional)

  1. Slice bananas into a bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon and maple syrup and stir to coat.
  2. Enjoy!

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