Hair & Beauty Magazine

B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!

By Pinkandpolished
Hi guys!

Are you ready for the awesome-ness I'm about to show you guys today?! I hope so because I am so incredibly excited to be able to share this with all of you! I would like to present to you guys the Build A Beauty Box (B3) by BaronessX and The Little LacquerBean (that's me!!!) The B3 is a box that includes two limited edition full sized polishes and two beauty / nail products. The best part? You can create your own! When you purchase a B3 you can pick one polish from BaronessX and one polish from The Little LacquerBean, there will be two polishes from each of us to choose from. Also you will be able to choose your choice of cuticle oil and pick two different 50 count nail vinyls. Sounds awesome right? The only thing is you can only choose what you want while supplies last so make sure you're ready when the boxes are released!We'll talk more after, let's get to the good part... swatches!!! First up is the two polishes from BaronessX.Funky FruitcakeA beautiful mauve / maroon with a wonderful maroon sparkle and gold micro flakes. Swatch is three thin coats with top coat. 

B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!
B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!
Tenenbaum Teal
Stunning deep emerald green with a bright emerald sparkle. Seriously gorgeous! Swatch is three thin coats with top coat.
B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!
B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!
Now swatches from The Little LacquerBean.

Candycane Kisses

Super sweet glitter topper packed full of white and red multi-sized glitters. Swatch is one careful coat over Sally Hansen Silver Sweep.
B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!

B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!

A chilly thermal that starts off a light holographic blue when warm and transitions to a deep holographic charcoal gray when cold. Swatch is three thin coats with top coat.

B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!

B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!

B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!

B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!

B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!

I have one of the cuticle oils to show you guys, this one is in the scent Holiday Vanilla. I have to say I've never been a huge fan of scented anything because my nose is so sensitive but I LOVE this one! And no, I'm not just saying that :) It smells nice and light and super delicious. Not to mention it absorbs quickly and leaves my cuticles nice and hydrated and soft. 
B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!

I've got a quick picture of one of the vinyls that will be available, this is the skinny straights. The other vinyls that will be available are: chevrons, mini single chevrons, and mini relaxed waves. Keep a look out for some photos soon! 
B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!

Whew, if you guys have read this far thanks for sticking with me! Let's do a little recap on how this box works. When the boxes are released you can pick your choice of two polishes, one from BaronessX and one from The Little LacquerBean. Then you can pick your choice of cuticle oil and your choice of 2 nail vinyls. So your box will include two polishes, a cuticle oil, and 2 nail vinyls. Getting excited yet?! Keep reading to find out price and release date!!

The B3 by BaronessX and The Little LacquerBean will retail for $20USD and will be available Sunday, November 30 at 12pm Pacific Time! You will be able to create your box by going to

Alright guys, I want to know what you think! Will you be grabbing a B3 Box on Nov 30? It would make such a great Christmas gift, and I think $20 is such a reasonable price for 2 full sized limited edition polishes! There won't be another time to get them!

Thanks so much for sticking this long post out with me loves! I'd love to know what you think!

B3 by BaronessX and The Little lacquerBean Review!

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