Hello beauty lovers! :-h This post is a review of a multi-tone concealer, released by a well-known Australian cosmetic brand recently. Tammerly the brains and beauty behind Spoilt blog, provided it to me for a test drive, so I could share my thoughts with you all. :-@
The multi-tasking Australis 4-1 Conceal Correct is a round palette consisting of 4 different shades of concealer to disguise imperfections, including redness, dark circles, blemishes and uneven skin tone for a flawless complexion. :)
The compact palette comes in a small cardboard box boasting the black and bright pink colouring recognisable throughout the Australis range. It also features three coloured panels on the top and both sides, all of which share product tips, such as purple fades away dark circles, green covers up redness and flesh tones to use over the color correctors to camouflage imperfections. The tiny round black plastic palette with a flip-top lid has dual levels, with two shades each and a handy mirror for touch-ups on the go. ;)
The correctors and concealers have a lightweight, rich, creamy formula that is soft, smooth and easy to apply and provides a medium to light coverage, depending on which shade I use. The purple is the lightest and needs to be carefully layered to effectively hide any dark areas under my eyes, (:| however it even does double duty as a makeshift highlighter for my cheekbones, inner eye corners and cupids bow etc. ;;) The green works well at covering up any facial redness, :"> which is mostly around my nose and inner cheeks, but is exceptionally good for hiding noticeable red pimples, #:-S whilst the light and dark skin toned shades blend over the green and purple to even out my complexion. Unfortunately, even though the coverage was good, the darkest flesh tone shade was too dark for my colouring and the paler one was too orange-y, so I couldn’t achieve a very natural-looking finish. :-S I also find that too much layering causes the concealer to appear cakey, crease and settle into fine lines, so I can conclude that using less is definitely best. The staying powder is not ideal for my oily skin because it gets a bit greasy after a few hours and I generally need to keep touching it up during the day, causing it to look even more caked on. :-O The formula might be more workable for me during the cooler months, when it’s less likely to slip and slide off my face as much.
Overall, this is a cute and thoughtful palette that includes everything you need to achieve complexion perfection in the one compact little case. =D> It does subtly hide my flaws, but it generally takes a bit of work to make sure the finished effect looks natural and not overdone. I get more use out of the green and purple shades over the two flesh toned colours, that are too overwhelming for my own natural skin tone and seem to have too much of an orange tinge. I would prefer the flesh toned colours to be more universally flattering for a wider range of complexions, but as is they might be a more suitable shade match for those with warmer undertones. The Australis 4-1 Conceal Correct is so useful because it has all the shades necessary for basic correcting and concealing abilities, in one, easy to use set, which is also the perfect travel companion. It adequately covers minor imperfections, like pimples and problem areas of redness, including broken capillaries, but if you want something that has fuller coverage and better performance, this is probably not going to appeal to you. Considering it retails for only $12.95, this multi-tasking concealing palette might meet the needs of those with normal to dry skin who have a warm, buttery skin tone, because it certainly won’t break the bank and is a versatile addition to any makeup kit. <:-P
Tip – *-:) While I don’t mind applying it with my fingers, a slightly damp concealing brush helps blend these shades into my skin more evenly.
Rating – 3 out of 5 (Published for Spoilt. Click here to view)
What do you think? :-? Does this type of concealer with multiple shades appeal to you? Have you found a reliable concealer that looks natural? :-/If so please fill me in, would love to hear what works for others when it comes to concealers….
The images in this post are generic.