An urgent message for my Aussie pals and palettes. I don't know what you have done to deserve this but over the weekend you are about to be hit by a bucketful of Bercow. According to Guido, the jumped-up, pint-sized, little shit, the Honourable Speaker of the House of Commons, Mr. John Bercow is descending on Canberrra to give you all a good talking to - so sit up and pay attention because he can turn nasty if you do less than grovel to him. Alas, I do not know if he is bringing his, er, 'lady wife' with him, probably not because I have no doubt she has other preoccupations, as it were - and who could blame her? Here are the happy couple plus a picture of her on her own during a night out - makes yer prard to be British, dunnit?