Humor Magazine


By Davidduff

An urgent message for my Aussie pals and palettes.  I don't know what you have done to deserve this but over the weekend you are about to be hit by a bucketful of Bercow.  According to Guido, the jumped-up, pint-sized, little shit, the Honourable Speaker of the House of Commons, Mr. John Bercow is descending on Canberrra to give you all a good talking to - so sit up and pay attention because he can turn nasty if you do less than grovel to him.  Alas, I do not know if he is bringing his, er, 'lady wife' with him, probably not because I have no doubt she has other preoccupations, as it were - and who could blame her?  Here are the happy couple plus a picture of her on her own during a night out - makes yer prard to be British, dunnit?

Australia:  ALERT - INCOMING BROWN STUFF! Australia:  ALERT - INCOMING BROWN STUFF!   He is, without any doubt, the most witless, stupid, pompous Speaker of the Commons there has been for decades and that includes the pig-ignorant, Jock prat who preceded him.  I do think that the very least you Aussies could do by way of returning the favour by which it was us that sent you out to your boiling, barren desert south Pacific paradise in the first place, even if it was in chains in the hold of ship, is to keep hold of the little shit for as long as possible and then, when his company becomes unbearable, roughly two days, send him home via North Korea.


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