32 days is how long the World Cup runs for. Just over a month.
During the last World Cup over half the population of many countries tuned in. So how many of us will be glued to our screens in the comfort of our own home or using the excuse for a trip down the pub this year?
I have seen many statuses and tweets with people claiming they are ‘World Cup Widows’ – as if that is a widely used term now! I understand some people don’t like football, and trust me I do get it. Football in this next month will take over in a number of situations which probably can get annoying!
I used to work in a pub and I quite liked the atmosphere on football nights, especially during the World Cup or Euros, but I can’t say I properly kept up. And I definitely wasn’t a football fan!
Ok so I went to the Arsenal juniors game more recently, and if I am ever asked if I support a team I’m going to say Arsenal due to Alex. But I only started following Arsenal news because of him.
I am currently sitting in my living room writing my blog post with the football on in the background, and I am already considering my plans for Thursdays England game. And why not?
Ok, so I haven’t changed completely. I can’t say I watch it religiously. I can’t say I know what happened in the Portugal game, or that I can judge when a ball is offside - Although I do pride myself in knowing the offisde rule. I know, get me eh?
But what I think is why not make the most of these few weeks where everyone gets together for one reason. Why not use the excuse to get everyone round for the game or meet up with friends in the pub. Football is ok and as I’m giving it a chance I am actually starting to enjoy it. Weird I know!
But come on, Let’s not be World Cup Widows. Let’s join in, you don’t need a huge football knowledge (trust me on this!) and you never know you might just have a ball! I know I will!