Humor Magazine

Are We Obsessed with WWII? And If Not, Why Not?

By Davidduff

According to The Telegraph, some swot from the British Museum thinks we are obsessed with WWII and that the Germans are "bewildered" by it.  Well, possibly, but then, they have been trying to forget the whole damn thing since 1945.  Constant reminders of their almost infantile stupidity, to say nothing of their monstrous cruelty, must be a great irritation to them.  Tough!

But are we Brits "obsessed" with it?  Today, in the year of our Lord, 2014, I can't say I sense any obsession; if anything I would suggest that complete ignorance of, and indifference to, WWII is a more accurate description of the attitude of most contemporary Brits.  Of course, on certain occasions, Remembrance Sunday and so forth, the traditional salutations occur but those apart I doubt many give it a thought.  In some ways it's a pity because the entire history of the 20th century including both world wars is worth concentrated study which, I suspect, it barely gets in most schools today.

The Telegraph article provides two opposing views on the subject and is worth reading.

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