Diet & Weight Magazine

Are Artificial Sweeteners OK?

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Could low carb make you live longer? What should you do if you're doing everything right and still not losing weight? And how can we create incentives for people to recognize the dangers of sugar?

In this Q&A session Dr. Michael Eades, Karen Thomson, Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt and Emily Maguire answer questions related to low carb and sugar.

Watch a part of the session above - with a question about whether artificial sweeteners are OK for people who are having a hard time avoiding sweet things ( transcript). Karen Thomson who answers first is a recovering food addict, and you can learn more from her here.

The full 1-hour session is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership. Here's a list of all the questions.

Q&A About Low Carb and Sugar - Dr. Michael Eades, Karen Thomson, Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt and Emily Maguire

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All questions from the Q&A session

0:18 How long will it take before food and sugar addiction is recognized as a real condition?
1:12 Could saturated fat be bad in some instances?
3:23 Where are the current clinical studies that support LCHF?
6:42 Are artificial sweeteners allowed when one is a sugar addict?
9:00 How can we create incentives for people to recognize the dangers of sugar?
13:21 What advice should be given to patients who struggle on a ketogenic diet?
15:41 Does the microbiome play a great role in health and addiction?
17:53 What about hunter gatherers who did well on diets rich in foods such as tubers?
20:02 What should be done about the fact that there are only scarce resources in other languages?
22:03 What's your experience of battling with Big Soda, which has been seen when trying to implement a sugar tax?
23:56 Rebound on low carb after losing weight?
28:28 Opinions about low carb vs. paleo?
30:51 Is the solution to treat sugar like tobacco?
35:07 Is there a relationship between sugar addiction and other eating disorders?
36:00 Why is the Japanese population thin despite eating a carb-rich diet?
38:44 Cellular cleansing, longevity and low carb?
40:33 Can a ketogenic diet stop addictive cravings all together?
42:22 LDL on low carb?
46:38 How can one explain the benefits of low carb in a simple way?
49:44 Should governments pay diabetic patients for reversing their condition?
51:47 Doing everything right and still not losing weight?
55:43 What about the quality of fat and tips for people from cultures that consume a lot of bread?

Watch it

Q&A About Low Carb and Sugar - Dr. Michael Eades, Karen Thomson, Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt and Emily Maguire

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