Hair & Beauty Magazine

Apple Cider Vinegar Face Wash – What, Why and How

By Rishiraj @beautyglimpseIn

You always look for a good facial cleanser to keep your face absolutely flawless. But what about going natural instead of splurging on those luxury cleansing products? Yes, you can actually do this by opting for apple cider vinegar face wash. Know more below:

Apple Cider Vinegar Face Wash

What is Apple Cider Vinegar Face Wash?

As the name suggests, it is a facial cleanser made of apple cider vinegar or ACV. The actual preparation of apple cider vinegar involves the fermentation of pressed apple juice and the process is continued until the sugars present in it turn into vinegar completely. Usually, organic apples are used for this purpose and the juice is kept away from heat, filtration and pasteurization. It helps in keeping the ‘mother’ unaltered right at the base of the container as ‘cloudy strings’, which is rich in pectin, essential minerals and lots of favorable enzymes. Moreover, plenty of malic acid is generated during the preparation of the vinegar. All these make the liquid a powerful anti-bacterial, antifungal and anti-viral agent. Finally, it is diluted with lukewarm water to get apple cider vinegar wash, which is extremely effective in cleansing the face as well as eliminating several skin issues.

Also Read – Our Guide to Clearing Acne with Apple Cider Vinegar Here

Why You Should Use Apple Cider Vinegar Face Wash?

Now, let us take a look at the benefits of the all natural apple cider vinegar face wash:

  • It will soak up all the excess oil from your skin so that it feels fresh and breathable all the time.
  • Apart from eliminating the greasiness, this face wash also plays a key role in balancing the pH levels of our skin, thereby regulating the production of sebum and keeping the skin healthy.
  • The antibacterial properties of the wash make it a wonder cure for acne. It not only removes the existing blemishes, but also prevents further breakouts.
  • Being antimicrobial in nature, it heals exiting skin infections and averts the chances of developing new ones.
  • ACV is loaded with alpha hydroxy acids, which can make dull and damaged skin bright and young-looking by removing the surface layer of dead skin cells.

Apple Cider Vinegar Face Wash

How to Prepare Apple Cider Vinegar Face Wash at Home?

Things Required:

  • Organic apple cider vinegar- 1 tablespoon
  • Lukewarm water – 3 tablespoons
  • 1 small bowl
  • 1 small spoon

Method of Preparation:

Start with pouring 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar into the bowl. Add 3 tablespoons of lukewarm water to it to get a liquid mixture (1:3). Mix well with the help of a spoon. Your at-home apple cider vinegar face wash is absolutely ready.

Method of Application:

At first, splash your entire face and neck with tepid water. Blot the water gently with soft and clean towel. Now, splash your face once again with this apple cider vinegar wash. Make sure that it reaches the most ignorant areas like sides of the nose, corners of lips, etc. too. Finally, wash off with plain water and apply a good quality moisturizer.

Also Read – Apple Cider Vinegar- The Best Choice for Skin Lightening Here


  • Our skin takes time to get accustomed with the acidic apple cider vinegar. Hence, you should stick to the 1 to 3 ratio at the initial stage. However, frequent usage of the remedy will make your skin comfortable with it. So, you can increase the strength of the face wash step by step (i.e. 1:2 followed by 1:1).
  • If you have a sensitive skin, try to be extra careful during the usage of the face wash. It is recommended that you do a patch test prior to applying it onto your skin. Take some diluted apple cider vinegar and wash a certain area of any of your body part. If nothing goes wrong even after 24 hours of the application, you are absolutely okay to go with it.

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