Healthy Living Magazine

Anxiety is Fuel*

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980

“We experience moments absolutely free from worry. These brief respites are called panic.”

Cullen Hightower

Don’t fight anxiety – use it. Equally, don’t fight resentment – use it as fuel.

Exercise is my way of coping with anxiety. I feel pretty terrible unless I do at least 30 minutes a day. Stretching, cardio, weights – it doesn’t really matter but you need to vent it – so do it positively.

If you don’t vent your feeling of stress & anxiety in a positive way, it is likely you will:

  • Project your stress onto someone else
  • Suffer from ‘internalising’ it – with IBS, stiff muscles, autoimmune issues

Both are shite. By the way, magnesium (including epsom salts for baths) is amazing for muscle stiffness and pain.

Anxiety Does Have Benefits

  • Motivation
  • Energy
  • Alertness

Chronic anxiety can make you feel very tired at certain points – your hypervigalance to danger can leave you exhausted at the end of the day. However, if you can think about something specific that makes you anxious, or someone that you don’t like very much – this can give you the energy to get up and do something – ideally exercise.

The best way to deal with anxiety, for me anyway, is to embrace and use it. I’ve literally shouted “oh f*ck off” to anxious thoughts in the past, but like a schoolyard bully; reacting like this just makes it more relentless. If you think of the ‘benefits’ and embrace it – thereby, not really reacting to it – it often fades.

*I imagine this is only useful advice for those with mild to moderate anxiety. So take it with a pinch of salt.

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