Suicide is no joke!
Originally posted on A Better Me Day By Day:
It’s Not a Joke
Suicide is not a joke. It’s not something you throw around with your friends or something that’s included in “casual conversation”. So many people have suicidal thoughts and participate in harmful actions that no one knows about. It happens on a daily basis whether you realize it or not. One of the biggest misconceptions about suicide is that it’s a selfish act. I believe most people do it because they feel there is no other option. They feel alone and that life won’t ever get any better.
To everyone, no matter who you are, the next time you go out, whenever and wherever it may be, be kind. Simply smile at a stranger; you don’t know what they’re going through. Your smile could turn their whole entire day around! Be nice and tell the ones you love that you love them because they may not know…
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