Our member number 15,000 is Greet Mast from the Netherlands! She wins the first prize package.
Here is her story of what brought her to Diet Doctor:
The story
A little bit about me.
I am 48 years young of age and have been fighting my weight since I was a kid. I was born 5 weeks early and was at the beginning very tiny. The doctor told my mom to give me more fat and carbs. So she gave me all kinds of snacks.
By the age of 6 I started to become overweight and my first diet started, which made me very sad because I liked the snacks and wasn't used to eating a lot of vegetables. So I feel like I was punished and dieting still feels like getting punished.
In my life I've tried so many kinds of diets. It is always for a short time and in the end I end up more overweight.
I know now that I have a serious carb addiction and I mean the bad carb addiction (pasta, chips, chocolate, potatoes). And I can be strong for a while but in moments of stress I just can't resist those nice carbs. And the longer I have resisted the less stress I need to start eating carbs again.
So how did I end up at Diet Doctor? I have been reading a book "Eat fat, become thin" and I like fat so I am hoping this diet will be the diet I can hold on to the rest of my life. I am 48 years old, in my mind I am 25 years old, but my body feels like 75 years old and it has to change.
Congratulations on winning the contest and hopefully finding a way of maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle!
The second winner - one random member - has also been notified and will be presented here shortly.
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