Apparently he was a great man, very involved in business, like my father. And also had a musical streak in him, and you may not know but I have a musical streak in me too, I use to be interested in playing the piano and I would love to take it up again, or even learn how to play guitar and I also have the business streak in me, I want to be totally successful with what I do in life. He was also very tall and use to be quite embarrassed about his height and use to tell porky pies about it! Something I would have loved to inherit of him, but sadly I’m only 5ft 4 :(
But yes, it’s been a long time now, my life time actually, but I know he’s looking down from heaven on my family, my family had a series of unfortunate events last year and although we are quite unlucky anyway, last year was ridiculously unlucky but it could of honestly been worse. And I do think grandad Brian was protecting us no matter how silly it might sound.
R.I.P Grandad.