Yes, I decided to save the best for last. It comes in the form of a Daily Mail headline:
Cyril Smith victims may sue LibDems as a powerful book reveals how paedophile politician's crimes were covered up by political allies who bullied police
Oh, how I whinnied with delight at that one! All those holier-than-thou, smug, self-satisfied, hypocrite 'Cleggerons' up in front of the beak - at last! Well, they got away with receiving stolen money from some shyster crook who donated money to them, presumably on the basis that it takes one to know one; and they slithered round the antics of Lord 'Touchy-Feely' Rennard, the world's greatest female arse-squeezer; so let's see how they get on facing the accusation that they were in cahoots with the biggest - in the sense of sheer size - kiddie-fiddler in the business. Perhaps we could have another of those televised debates, this time between the 'Cleggeron' and one of the victims. And all this just weeks before the EU elections and the story should run nicely up to next year's general election.
There is a God - and, on occasions, He has a sense of humour!