. . . We, the BBC, are at war with each other'. At last, someone has dropped the smelly pot of poo which has been passed gingerly from hand to hand in that nest of crooks masquerading as the management of our national broadcasting service. No less a person than Mark Thompson, the former director-general, has ratted out the top shysters at the BBC including Lord 'Fat Pan' Patten, himself, the man who as boss of the BBC Trust was there to look after the interests of the public who are forced to pay for the whole rotten racket:
A former BBC director general has accused the BBC Trust, which represents license fee payers' interests, of misleading parliament about excessive pay-offs to senior executives.
Mark Thompson says he has emails which show that trust members, including the
chairman Lord Patten and a senior BBC boss, approved the payments.
Two things should happen quickly. First, the 'old Bill' should be called in to investigate the possibility of wholesale theft at the BBC; and second, the BBC should be privatised. No more time this morning but I may return to the subject later.