Yes, I'm afraid 'the trains will not be running on time' here at D&N due to a coincidence of events. First of all, on Wednesday this blog is not so much taking a great leap forward as rather stumbling through the swing-door into the 21st century by up-dating to Microsoft 8. In addition, as part of my effort to rejuvenate and once again lead a healthy, vigorous sex blog life I am having a new 'drive' fitted - and, no, I have no idea what a 'drive' is in 'computerese' but I am assured it will do me a power of good. Needless to say, with all the cynicism aquired after 25 years in the second-hand car trade, I am prepared for the whole thing to splutter to a halt the first time I press a button!
However, despite that particular event there is something else causing a slow down at D&N and I blame Waka Waka Waka! No, no, that is not some new Max Mosley-style party game for Christmas, Waka Waka Waka is the blog of my e-pal Malcolm Pollack who makes occasional appearances here in the 'Comments'. He has written a post drawing attention to some other contemporary thinkers and writers who share my increasing misgivings concerning the direction and the ends pursued by so-called 'democracy'. In particular, Malcolm points to a four-part series of essays written by Nick Land (no, me neither) who explores the historical and philosophical routes that have led, inexorably it seems, to where we are today, and the likely (in his view) outcome in a dim but not so distant future.
Nick Land, and the other writers he links to, raise huge questions which I, and I think several other readers of this blog, have sensed without perhaps, in my case, the intellectual or just plain, old-fashioned, educational ability to formulate them. His essay runs to four fairly long parts and then, of course, there are the other writers he refers to who must also be read. In the meantime, I am slowly and carefully working my way through Jonathan Sacks's book whilst simultaneously trying to snatch bits and pieces from Hans Zinserr's eccentric master-piece Rats, Lice and History. I am uneasily aware that some of my recent posts have been, shall we say, cursory and whilst I know that you do not expect polished gems of wit and wisdom I really don't like scribbling too many 'space fillers'. So, there will be a bit of a 'go slow' for a few days as I try to catch up with my reading and, even more tricky, attempt to assimilate its contents. Except when I go 'off air' on Wednesday there will be the odd post but nothing too 'heavy'!
Anyway, in the meantime, get over to Malcolm's place and pick up his links to Nick Land and start reading!