Diet & Weight Magazine

An Egg is Number One on Instagram

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

An egg is number one on Instagram

A picture of a lone egg - just a basic, beautiful, natural-looking egg - is now the most-liked post on Instagram, with 47 million likes. That's even more than Kylie Jenner's birth announcement (18.5 million likes). Who knew?

The New York Times: An egg, just a regular egg, is Instagram's most-liked post ever

We'll let The New York Times explain how this could possibly happen. (It is hard to comprehend the ins and outs of likability on Instagram, but in the end, let's just say we are pretty certain that egg isn't poaching likes from our followers.)

Although you may think all of this attention is mislaid, eggs are number one in our book, too. Why? Because they are nature's multivitamin. They're easy to make and last a long time in the fridge. They work at any meal - or as a snack. They're affordable. They're keto-approved.

Don't make us mention that eggs are an eggcellent source of fat and protein. You knew that already.

Why not check out our recipes and get crackin'!

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