My hectoring tone continues from the previous post - I do rather enjoy giving nation-states orders although honesty insists that I admit that I am rarely never obeyed! Even so, I urge "my fellow Americans" - well, I'm not actually American except in spirit - to put the Democrat party to the sword tomorrow. You were daft enough to vote, not once but twice, for that silly man who turned out to be more of a 'doofus' than a POTUS! You did so simply because he was young, black, good-looking, had been to college and you were scared of being classified as a 'good ol' boy redneck' if you didn't vote for him! Well, it's "all blood under the bridge" and you can't do anything about him now except to amputate, politically, his arms and legs by ensuring that the House and the Senate go solidly Republican and I do mean 'solidly' because according to reports, Obama and his dwindling band of appatchiks are planning on a sustained campaign to defy the Congress and use presidential diktat.
So, just do it, America!