Hello Boys & Girls! Hope you all had a fab weekend. I'm still recovering from Friday night and feel like I need some me time, so what better way to spend a Monday evening than by having a hot, bubble bath and pampering yourself with Soap & Glory? Especially after a long day at work.
We all know every single girl in the world loves Soap & Glory and if you don't, you're silly because all of this for £20? You'd be stupid not to love it. What a bargain.
I got this huge, amazing kit for Christmas and I have been so excited to get my hands on it all. It's not like I wasn't allowed too or anything.. I probs could of opened it the same day I got it but I'm a bit weird like that and I always want to wait for the perfect time to use something.
So there you have it. Thought I'd quickly just share with you what I'm up too tonight and now off I go to enjoy my Monday evening. One day down, 4 more to go until the weekend. Enjoy the rest of your week!
Oh, and if you want to treat yourself to all of this or even buy it for a friend, you can purchase it here