Food & Drink Magazine

After School Snacking. Like a Boss.

By Slowdownandsavor

With school back in full swing comes the return of structure and routine. Hooray! I don’t know about you, but I thrive on routine. It just makes everything so much easier, and makes me relax. Ahh…

But with school back in full swing also comes the 3 p.m. squeals of utter dispair and starvation. “I am SO HUNGRY MOM!!! I could just DIE!”

While the threat of death-by-starvation probably isn’t true, their hunger is. So, to spice up snack time, I’ve put together a collection at of 27 amazing new snack ideas that should both be inspirational, and useful to you guys out there who are like me, and tired of handing out the same old stuff every day. Enjoy!

Check out 27 After School Snack Ideas

by Katie L. Ogletree at

After School Snacking. Like a Boss. is a sponsored opportunity with

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