Join me on my quick tour...A little color is bursting through, it is so lovely to see the bright yellow of the Daffodils flowering, this one has just started to flower.
Daffodils in bloom
Blackcurrant buds
New buds are forming on the Blackcurrant bush, had quite a good first harvest from them last year.There it is below...sunshine!
At the bottom of the garden there is a huge Copper Beech Tree, some of the plants nestled at the bottom of the tree are ferns and Hellebores. Not my best photo I'm afraid I struggled to get down low enough to do it justice. But looking up to photograph the tree was much easier, and it looks quite monstrous with all its bare branches. The rope by the way belongs the tree swing.
Look up! Copper Beech Tree
Alpine trough
Now making my way back up the garden to the greenhouse, sitting safely outside are the Alpine troughs. These were replanted at the end of Autumn and are filling out nicely. Onto the inside of the greenhouse, which is wrapped up for the cold weather that has yet to arrive, this is where the more tender plants are kept over Winter. The broad beans have grown well, although it looks like something has been nibbling them. With such mild weather the scented Pelargonium ontinue to flower adding much needed color in the greenhouse. The Aeolium is looking fabulous, usually it loses quite a few of its petals, another benefit of the milder weather. There are also quite a few pots of succulents.Scented Pelargonium
I have just realised that I walked right past the cyclamens without taking a photograph of them, and they looked splendid too. Most satisfying of all I completed my wardrobe declutter, just in case you were wondering.