Ever since I took the floral arrangement class a few months ago I have been making bouquets and center pieces left and right. Even some of my friends have begun asking me to make them for them and their friends’ homes and parties. I really enjoying designing and creating them, it is nice to channel my creativity in such a productive way.

I recently was considering applying for part time florist and floral design jobs. I think it would be fun and I would be keeping myself busy. This morning I built up the courage to apply for a few florist jobs around town! It was really exciting, I felt so good about myself afterwards. I have grown so much in the past year; I don’t think I would have ever expected myself to be doing what I am today.

I have learned so much from the class I am taking but, I think if I was in a setting where I was constantly being challenged, I would thrive and learn so much more! Learning is key in growing old; or at least that’s what I think. I notice my attitude become so much more positive and upbeat when I am learning or engaging in something knew.
Reading the summary of duties on the job posting made me nervous and excited about the possibilities. I would be designing arrangements, producing special orders, setting up at venues, and providing inspiration for seasonal presentations. I haven’t had a job that allowed that much creativity EVER! I think this would be an incredible opportunity.
From beginning my Tai Chi classes and participating in the Floral arranging classes my mind has been so much clearer. I am using learning to beat the empty nest syndrome…and menopause. :)

Keep your fingers crossed, I really hope I get this position. I feel like it would be a great step in the right direction.
Until next time,