Diet & Weight Magazine

“A Low-Carb Lifestyle Is Not As Hard and Restrictive as I Was Led to Believe”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Christina was bloated, lethargic and couldn't lose weight regardless of what she did. Then she stumbled upon Diet Doctor and started slowly changing her way of eating to a low-carb approach:

The E-mail


I have been asked to share my success following the low-carb diet. So, I am sharing, yes, you can use my story.

What was your life like before? I was always bloated, tired, lethargic, and no matter what I did I could not lose weight.

What happened that changed things? I began following the low-carb diet from Diet Doctor, finding so many good recipes here. I will be honest and say I did not follow it exactly at first, but once I realized the changes I did make were helping greatly, I put more effort into it. This diet was unlike other low-carb diets that had severe restrictions that I could not keep, it has a much greater allowance, and the recipes are with real food that helps a lot.

I have more energy, I am at the gym now, circulation in my joints have improved, I have lost 15 lbs (7 kg) in about three months, and it is staying off

What is your life like now? I have more energy, I am at the gym now, circulation in my joints have improved, I have lost 15 lbs (7 kg) in about three months, and it is staying off. And while I do slip once in a while I get back on track quickly, and get right back to normal.

What was your biggest challenge and how did you approach it? My biggest challenge was, and still is at times, eating things others make. I have learned to bring things with me to share.

What do you wish you had known when you started? I wish I had known that a low-carb lifestyle is not as hard and restrictive as I was led to believe. Again, the recipes are a great help, they contain real food, while so many other low-carb diet plans want you to buy their processed garbage.

Thank you,


We're so glad to hear that you're so successful, Christina, and that your health has improved.

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Do you have a success story you want to share on this blog? Send it (photos appreciated) to [email protected]. Let me know if it's OK to publish your photo and name or if you'd rather remain anonymous.

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