Diet & Weight Magazine

A Doctor Can’t Give Nutrition Advice to His Patients? The Absurd Case of Dr. Gary Fettke

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Can a doctor advice his patients to avoid sugar to improve their health and prevent disease, when the advice is supported by science?

AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) has 'silenced' Dr. Gary Fettke by forbidding him to do so for life (!), stating that his medical training as a medical doctor and orthopedic surgeon does not make him an expert in nutrition.

It's simply absurd that a doctor can be forever forbidden from giving nutrition-related lifestyle advice to his patients.

Clearly this has very little to do with what a medical doctor specialized in orthopedic surgery knows. It has everything to do with Dr. Fettke's views on low-carb nutrition for metabolic problems. Apparently some powerful people feel uncomfortable with them, even though they are well supported by dozens of new studies.

If you think that this is unfair, you can support the not-for-profit Nutrition for Life Community that Dr. Fettke (among others) has helped set up. You can read more about the organization here.

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