Yes, indeed, I can highly recommend Tim Worstell whose daily posts are usually brief but absolutely spot on target. Yesterday he pointed us at an article he has written for the Adam Smith Institute which squidges utterly the bleats and moans about the cost of of energy likely to be produced by the new Sino-Franco-(Brit) nuclear power station to be built at vast expense in my county of Someset - fortunately, on the other side! Incidentally, I place "Brit" inside brackets because our part of this project is simply to sign the cheques! First, Tim points to our old friend, 'little Georgie Moonbat'. He writes in 'The Graun':
Seven years ago, I collected all the available cost estimates for nuclear power. The US Nuclear Energy Institute suggested a penny a kilowatt hour. The Royal Academy of Engineering confidently predicted 2.3p. The British government announced that in 2020 the price would be between 3 and 4p. The New Economics Foundation guessed that it could be anywhere between 3.4 and 8.3p; 8.3 pence was so far beyond what anyone else forecast that I treated it as scarcely credible. It falls a penny short of the price now agreed by the British government. [My emphasis]
Cue instantly a shrieking chorus of disapproval from the Greenies - although not our 'little Georgie Moonbat' who is very pro-nuclear - and the Labour party whose record in trying to keep this country ahead on energy supplies for the future is roughly the equivalent of Baldwin's efforts to get this country ready for war with Germany in the 1930s!
So, at around 9.3p per kWhr the Greenies get even greener - as they pass the sickbag around, and the Socialists get even redder - in the face with rage, and the LibDems wriggle uncomfortably because they are now tied to the deal to the disgust of their own Green tendency. But as Tim points out [with my emphasis]:
Sure, [at 9.3 per kWhr] this is indeed more expensive than the current costs of electricity but here's the bit that I'm not getting. These complaints, they're over something that is vastly cheaper than all of the other things that are being done
with the full agreement of those currently complaining.
This strike price, it's the same as a feed in tariff in its effects. And here's
the list of the feed in tarifs on other technologies. Solar at 14.9 p, Hydro
at 21.65 p, wind at 21.65 p again. This nuclear scheme, the one that people are complaining so hard about, is under half the cost of wind power. So,
either nuclear is amazingly cheap or it's grossly expensive and wind power is
twice as bad either way around.
The whirring noise you can hear is the sound of sundry Socialists and Greenies spinning even faster than theirwindmills - not that that is too difficult!