Diet & Weight Magazine

A Complete Guide To Become More Dominant As A Man

By Martin Gergov

Being dominant means to be in control, or being a dominant also implies that you are in control of others around you, you are their master. Being a dominant also means going after something you want and following it with great passion and commitment.

So if you are someone who is aspiring to become more dominant as a man, here are 12 really wonderful tips, which will help you to move in the right direction. With these simple tips you can easily learn how to work on yourself and become a more powerful, serene, and confident man.

1. Know Yourself

The first thing to know to become a dominant is to understand yourself. Being dominant is not a tool that you can simply learn, instead it is an attribute of your image or character and has to be inculcated from within.

It is very important that you know yourself, who you are and what you want. You should have certain set of values that you adorn and respect them. As a dominant you should do what you think is right, not only for yourself but also for others around you.

Become aware of your weakness and strengths, when you know what you are and what your strengths are you can easily move ahead in the right direction regardless of what the situation is.

2. Speak up your mind

It is good to speak for yourself. As a dominant you should be able to speak up your mind regardless of the fact that your words might offend or displease someone. You don’t need any external validation on what you think is right or wrong.

Take responsibility of both your thoughts and your words. Many times people will not agree with you, they might even find you very offending but in the end they will definitely respect your audacity and authenticity.

3. Take control of your emotions

The capability of having control over their emotions is found in very few people, but if you wish to become a dominant, this is something that you will have to learn. As a dominant you are expected to see everything within its perspective without getting distracted or trapped in any sort of emotions.

Always stay calm and composed no matter what the situation is. It is important to think logically and to be rationale, as being emotional will be seen as a sign of weakness.

Your ability to remain peaceful when a storms hits, is what will set you aside from others and give you the strength to handle such difficult situations with ease.

4. Learn to say NO

As a dominant you should learn to say NO. You should never be afraid of setting boundaries. It will give you strength and people will not be able to push you around anywhere.

There is nothing wrong in letting anybody know that you refuse to accept something that is totally unacceptable to you. As a dominant you should not allow others to subdue you at all.

5. Express yourself

Expressing yourself is never a wrong thing to do, especially when it comes to women. You should never feel ashamed to express your desires. Not even when it comes sex. A dominant will never be afraid to be sexually proactive or suggestive.

6. Maintain yourself, be physically fit and have a strong body

Another very important characteristics that you need to become more dominant is to be physically strong. A dominant man is always physically very strong. A strong body condition, allows you to be more assertive and will eventually command respect of others around you.

7. Be protective

Being protective is an inbuilt quality when it comes to being a dominant. Protectiveness about your female partner, family or say for tribe, is of utmost importance. In situations of conflict, as a dominant you should rise to the occasion and defend others (especially the ones you think are right).

This attribute of being protective is something that will being respect and admiration of others.

8. Always stay active

As a dominant you should always be proactive and have the ability to reach your goals at any cost. You should not wait for opportunities to knock on your door, don’t let laziness come in your way. If you are tired or lack motivation, then find other resources and take action but never fall back. 

9. Lead

One of the very important characteristics of being a dominant man is to have the ability to lead, you should not lead for the purpose of leading, rather you should lead others because it is necessary and the right thing to do. Leadership qualities should come naturally to you, and you should always keep your best foot forward when situation demands.

10. Keep yourself away from distractions

As a dominant you should not get distracted by anything easily. No matter the goal is a short term goal or a long term goal, you should always be focused and not lose sight of your desires at all.

11. Be generous

Apart from being protective, another major characteristic of a dominant man is the ability of being generous or the capability of taking care of his people. You should be generous and share resources with the people around you. And because of this generosity people might follow or support you.

12. Ability to take risk

You should never be afraid of taking risks or being afraid of any conflict. As a dominant you should be aware that one cannot avoid conflicts but at the same time it is necessary for you to evaluate your risks and take steps to ascertain that you actually achieve the goals that you have prepared for yourself. All these qualities will help you in being more dominant as a man. It will not only gain more respect for you but will also attract lot of female attention towards you. Apart from this, being a dominant will also a positive impact on various other areas of your life.

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