Career Magazine

8 Tips for Starting a Wedding Planning Business on a Small Budget

By Sharonhill @sharonhill

Tips for Starting a Wedding Planning Business on a Small Budget

Are you trying to start your wedding planning business with very little money? I’ve received a few questions lately from future wedding planners who want to get their businesses started on a small budget and they want to make money as soon as possible, so I’m answering one of them in my Q and A today.


I’m starting a wedding planning business and have very little money to invest in it. I also need it to make money as soon as possible. How do I do this?


You don’t need a lot of money to start a wedding planning business. But, please have realistic expectations about the amount of time it would take to be successful. You may be able to start quickly but wedding planning is not a business that guarantees you’ll make a lot of money very quickly. It takes hard work and it can take time for you to establish yourself as an expert and be able to attract a steady stream of brides.

Here are 8 tips for starting you wedding planning business on a small budget:

1) Figure out what brides want to buy, not just what you want to sell to them

Don’t decide on your services based on what other wedding planners offer. Focus on a specific type of bride, find out the types of services she would buy, then create and sell those services.

2) Forget about perfecting your logo and brand design

Many new wedding planners focus on getting their logo, website and printed materials “perfect” before they launch their businesses. In the meantime, they’re not getting any clients and not making any money, instead they’re spending a lot of money on design.

I’m not saying you don’t need attractive marketing, you absolutely need to look professional. But, you don’t need the “perfect” design when you start. Your brand design will develop as you work with more and more brides and as your business grows.

3) Keep marketing expenses low

Be careful about investing a lot of money in advertising, especially on wedding websites. Many times those ads only bring brides who are price shopping.

4) Take advantage of free social media sites for online marketing

Set up free accounts for your business on the social media sites that the brides you want visit. This could include Facebook (business Page), Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and others. Many sites offer free analytic information so you can learn about the brides who visit and “like” your posts and pins and create content that will keep them interested in you.

5) Talk to people about your wedding planning business

Your first few brides will probably be family members, friends, or friends of a family member or friend, so don’t be shy about spreading the word. Tell people that you’re a wedding planner and explain how you can help the brides they know have the weddings they want.

6) Overestimate your time when setting your rates

What hurts new wedding planners the most is not charging enough enough for their services. This is often because they underestimate the amount of time it would take to plan and manage a wedding. So, calculate your time carefully before you quote your rates and send out proposals.

7) Collect a deposit when a bride hires you

When a bride signs your contract (yes, you must invest in an attorney who can help you write a contact), get a deposit before you begin planning her wedding. This is standard, so don’t be afraid to ask for money. A deposit will help you cover expenses as you’re planning the wedding, keep a bride committed to you and reduce the possibility of not getting paid.

8) Give great customer service

When you do an excellent job, your clients will tell everyone all about you and new brides will be seeking you out to hire you.

And if you have a pressing question about starting or running your wedding planning business, you can send me an email at I’ll answer them on this blog or in my ezine, “Wedding Planner Tips,” which you can subscribe to here.






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