Motivation is this invisible force that drives you toward a goal and keeps you going when things get rough, it is the reason you wake up early or stay up late to finish your work. When something doesn’t feel right, take a moment and look at the big picture and find a different approach to keep going. Here are 7 ways to keep yourself motivated towards your goal:
Visualize your success.
First, imagine the big picture. Visualize your goal already achieved. How does it feel? What will accomplishing the goal bring you? Pay attention to how you feel and then write down these triggers so that you can access them any time you need a little push to keep going.
Plan your work.
Working on your goals may require a lot of work and sometimes things can become overwhelming. This is where planning can help. Break down the work and plan the steps you need to take so you remain motivated to continue.
Accept mistakes.
The road towards your goals will not always be smooth. Expect to make some mistakes but use these mistakes as an opportunity to learn. Don’t let them discourage you since trying new possibilities and taking chances will help you move forward.
Focus on small goals.
Smart goals are like little baby steps that are easy to take. Use these little steps to break up a long term goal that may otherwise seem almost impossible to achieve. Break the elephant into small chunks to help you stay fired up and excited as you move towards your goal.
Eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
This is one of the most important ways to keep you focused on your goal. Find the time to practice positive thinking daily. Start observing your thoughts and recognize negative self-talk. When you become aware of your negative thoughts take each one and squash it like a bug. Instead of saying “I can’t”, say “If that wimp Bob can do it, so can I!” and although it sounds corny, it works all the time.
Never, ever quit.
At times, you may find it hard to keep going, especially if you’re still far off from reaching your goal. Remember that going the extra mile is never crowded and the harder it gets the more you have to stretch yourself. It is a sign of growth and a chance to reach and beat your limits. Make a commitment to never put your guns down and do whatever it takes to reach your goal.
Find pleasure again.
Make your journey pleasant, fun and exciting. Reward yourself after completing each baby step along the way.
All in all, you must have a strong answer to WHY you want to reach your goal, in order to feel motivated. So get down to what really drives you and why you really want something. This way, you will be 100% committed.
Aishwarya Vohra works for Offshore Ally, a company offering competent virtual assistant and link building services. She loves to read and write blogs on SEO, SEM, technology, social media and self motivation. Connect with her via twitter.
To read more about barriers to networking and reaching your goals, read here.