Healthy Living Magazine

6 Ways to Bounce Back from Common Cold

By Dietilicious @Dietilicious1

Nutritionally well-balanced diet keeps your immune system strong and ward off common infections. However, when you are suffering from cold and flu, selecting the right foods becomes all the more important to speed up your recovery and optimize your body functions. (E79S8FVDH6ZH)


Common cold is caused by viruses that we get from other people. Though, cold weather doesn’t cause cold, it facilitates easy transmission of these viruses. When you get cold virus, your immune system opens up blood vessels through inflammation and increase mucus secretion. These processes lead to cold symptoms like sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, congestion and headache, a sign of mucus-logged sinuses. If there is a fever too, you are suffering from "flu."


To cure cold and flu symptoms and stay healthy include following foods in your daily diet -


1) Eat High quality Protein - Protein is essential to make antibodies and white blood cells that fight off cold infections and help in repair and recovery. Legumes especially lentils and beans and low fat milk products provide excellent quality of protein. If you are non-vegetarian include eggs and lean meats in your meals.


2) Foods rich in Antioxidants - Antioxidants are nutrients like vitamins, minerals and other non-nutrient substances like enzymes and phyto-chemicals that help in building your immunity, healing and quick recovery. Plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains are rich sources of antioxidants.


3) Eat Pro-biotics & Pre-BioticsProbiotics are friendly bacteria, which stimulate your immune system to fight diseases. To get these probiotics, you need “Prebiotics,” complex carbohydrates or insoluble fibres that act as food for these bacteria. Foods rich in prebiotics are whole grains, oats, soyabean, banana, onion, garlic and honey. 


4) Drink plenty of Warm fluids - Drinking hot water, soup and tea are the common home remedies for cold treatment.Besidesclearing nasal congestion and thinning of mucus it ensures proper hydration of the body. Add ginger to your tea and soup, as it’s loaded with cold fighting substances. You can also add honey to your tea that helps coat your throat and soothe it.


5) Get Vitamin-C from Citrus Fruits - Vitamin C and flavanoids found incitrus fruits boost your immune system for fast recovery. Eat oranges, papayas and drink lemon water. Lemons also promote growth of friendly bacteria that aid in fighting off the ones that cause cold. However, avoid fruit juices, as extra sugar added in them hinders white blood cells from fighting infection.


6) Spice up your meals - Garlic, onion, radish, chillies all have anti-inflammatory and immunity stimulating properties that help in easing congestion and fight off infection. However, avoid fried foods as these suppress your immune system.


Sample Diet Plan for Cold by Dr. Deeksha Sharma





Breakfast:Clear veg./non-veg. soup (with garlic and black pepper seasoning) + toast

Mid-morning Snack:1 orange

Lunch:2 Whole wheat rotis + 1 bowl dal+1 bowl veggies+ 1 bowl salad

Evening Snack:  1 cup green tea with ginger and honey + fist full nuts

Dinner:2 Mix whole wheat rotis +1 bowl veg./ non-veg. Curry

Breakfast:Clear veg. soup (with garlic and black pepper seasoning) + toast

Mid-morning Snack:1 glass butter milk with garlic and black pepper seasoning

Lunch:2 Whole wheat rotis + 1 bowl dal+1 bowl veggies+ 1 bowl salad

Evening Snack:  1 glass warm lemon water with honey + fist full nuts

Dinner:2 Mix whole wheat rotis +1 bowl veg./ non-veg. Curry



Breakfast:½ cup oatmeal boiled with 1cup skimmed milk + Raisins + Nuts

Mid-morning Snack:1 bowl papaya

Lunch:2 Whole wheat rotis or 1 roti & 1bowl brown rice+ 1 bowl cowpeas +1 bowl veggies+ 1 bowl curd+ 1 bowl salad

Evening Snack:  1 cup green tea with ginger and honey + fist full nuts

Dinner:2 Mix whole grains (Wheat & Ragi) rotis +1 bowl veg./ non-veg. curry

Breakfast: Poha + orange

Mid-morning Snack:1 glass butter milk with garlic and black pepper seasoning

Lunch:2 Whole wheat rotis or 1 roti & 1bowl brown rice+ 1 bowl dal +1 bowl veggies+ 1 bowl curd+ 1 bowl salad

Evening Snack: Fresh pomegranate juice+ fist full nuts

Dinner:2 Whole Wheat rotis +1 bowl veg. curry./ non-veg. curry



Breakfast*: Idli + 1 seasonal fruit

Mid-morning Snack:1 cup dahi with cut fruits/yogurt

Lunch:2 Whole wheat rotis or 1 roti & 1bowl plain rice+1 bowl kidney bean +1 bowl veggies+ 1 bowl curd+ 1 bowl salad

Evening Snack: Fresh pineapple juice+ fist full nuts

Dinner:2 Mix whole grains (Wheat & Bajra) rotis +1 bowl veg./ non-veg. curry+ 1 bowl salad

Breakfast*: Dosa/Moong dal Cheela + 1 seasonal fruit

Mid-morning Snack:1 glass buttermilk with garlic and black pepper seasoning

Lunch:2 Whole wheat rotis or 1 roti & 1bowl brown rice+ 1 bowl dal+1 bowl veggies+ 1 bowl curd+ 1 bowl salad

Evening Snack:  1 cup green tea with ginger and honey + fist full nuts

Dinner:2 Whole Wheat rotis +1 bowl veg. curry./ non-veg. curry+ 1 bowl salad


*For first 48hrs till you have runny nose,drink warm water or green tea in small frequent sip to clear your congestion.

* Return to your regular diet asap

* Eat 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetable for quick recovery and make your immune system strong enough to ward off any infections

* Few people find dairy products to trigger mucus secretion, if you find so avoid it for the time being


Breakfast*:Upma/ Dalia+1 seasonal fruit  

Mid-morning Snack:1 cup milk or fruit shake

Lunch:2 Whole wheat rotis or 1 roti & 1bowl brown rice+ 1 Bowl Bengal gram+1 bowl veggies+ 1 bowl curd+ 1 bowl salad

Evening Snack:  1 cup green tea + Fist full Nuts

Dinner:2 Mix whole grains (Wheat & Jowar) rotis +1 bowl veg./ non-veg. curry+ 1 bowl salad


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