- Create an online presence: Creating a presence for yourself online is vital for your career growth, or finding a new position. Online profiles give you a place to showcase your experience and help you connect with others who work in the same industry to help you find a new job or move into a better position at your same company.
- Be consistent: Be certain that dates, job titles, and companies on your resume and your LinkedIn or Facebook profiles match up. It is a red flag for recruiters if they find dates and companies change in each place and it will open you up to much greater scrutiny. It is fine, even advisable, to present your duties in the best possible light, just be meticulous with dates and titles.
- Google Yourself: Simply put your name into a Google search and see what employers can find out about your life. It can show them your tweets, blogs, instant messages, photos and posts you make on any of your social networking sites. Try to ke ep your information private if you don't want recruiters to see it.
- Be careful what you post: Employers are increasingly utilizing facebook and twitter to find out more about potential employees. Posting information about your current company, whether good or bad, is frowned upon by most hiring managers. No matter how frustrated you might be at your current job, do not tweet about what an idiot your boss is, or how much you hate your job. Not only will new employers frown on this, it could cost you your the current job. Also, do not post on social media sites from work and make sure that you have updated your Facebook privacy settings.
- Always be ready: Be sure that you build a network well before you might need it by making connections in your career field, following experts in your field, and interacting with these folks on a regular basis. Join Groups on Facebook and LinkedIn and join discussions so that people get to know you and appreciate your expertise in certain areas. Always be proactive and stay engaged in the conversations. If you decide it’s time to move on, or lose your job, you will have a wide network that can help point you in the right direction.
- Build your Reputation: Networking works best for everyone when people are willing to help others. In other words, you have to be able to give in order to get assistance. Reach out to others and connect with them and always give assistance when you can. Write a recommendation for someone on LinkedIn, introduce them to someone in your network that might be able to help, or share some news or tips with them. Paying it forward really does work- these same people will be happy to help you when you need it in the future
This guest post written by Denise Gabbard who is a former Executive Recruiter. She changed careers three years ago and now works with businesses to enhance their presence online. Currently, she is promoting a great stainless steel cookware review site.
Photo credit: Anitah