Note: This post is sponsored by Pinetrees Lodge in Australia’s Lord Howe Island
I find that during the busyness of daily life, sometimes I can forget why I’m doing what I’m doing and nothing seems to make sense any more at all. In fact, Daily Inspiration Board started as a way to regain inspiration and combat a feeling of relentlessness, in a quest to find more meaning in the daily moments of life.
Since the start of the two years that I have been writing on Daily Inspiration Board, I have found my meaning and inspiration. It will be different for everyone but once you find it, you’ll know it.
The five key tricks to remember when looking to add fulfillment, meaning or inspiration – whatever you would like to call it – to your daily life are:
Don’t just look at what you think you want
A lot of that has been conditioned at school, by our families, by the media, by friends and colleagues. Instead, look at what you loved as a child – what were your inclinations? What did you dream of doing? If nothing comes up there, take a look around and start to pursue interests outside of your usual routine. It may take a while and you may have a few false starts, but you will get there if you persist. And remember, the alternative is to stay still and unfulfilled. I know what I’ve chosen.
Make sure your life fits with your values
What are your values? What do you place of most importance, above everything else? Is it family? Health? Work? Career? Love? Friendship? Create a list of non-negotiable values that your life must fit in with in order for you to be happy and fulfilled. Then, look at what is taking most of your attention and whether that fits with the balance you need in order to be happy; and look at the areas in your life which don’t fit with your values at all. It may be time to consider removing them and making adjustments.
Look at what you can bring to the table – not what you can get
Finding meaning is more about what you can do; it’s about how you can serve. Meaning is not created by what you can consume or by how much you can accumulate. I find that you tend to get back from the world exactly what you give it. If you offer love, friendship, empathy, understanding, and support unconditionally, then it’s likely that you are experiencing the same in return. Similarly, if you offer your talents, time and energy up to the world I believe you will be rewarded.
Embrace change
You don’t necessarily need to change your whole life, or your job. Often, finding meaning and fulfillment in the day-to-day means making a few simple shifts, like spending more quality time with friends that make you feel happy to be around and support you, or adding a leisure activity to your day, or making time to do something you love to do, or removing a habit from your life that is not serving you and replacing it with something positive. Sometimes it could be a house move, or a relationship change, or a holiday. I love travel and go away at every opportunity – it’s something that I find worthwhile saving and spending money on whenever I can. I am going to New York and Mexico this coming Christmas with friends and I know that the break, the experience, the mind shift will create a much-needed adjustment towards feeling refreshed and invigorated – like the whole world is there at our feet. There’s a whole bunch of places that are amazing around the world – including right here in Australia – for shorter breaks or when you don’t want to head overseas. For me, because I live in a busy city the whole year around, it’s really important to get close to nature so somewhere like sunny Queensland appeals to me. Check out Lord Howe Island accommodation for one example.
Just get started
Don’t worry about something being the right thing – unless of course, you’re starting a business. Then you’ll need to do your research first to make sure you are across as much of how it’s going to work out as possible! But if you’re simply looking around for inspiration and new activities that will provide fulfillment, then look at what resonates with you. To get the best value out of it, and to see whether the path is right for you, you have to commit to it – at least for a little while. If it’s not for you it’s likely to lead to other doors which will take you in a closer direction.
What brings you fulfillment in day-to-day life?