I decided to write this because to be honest there are a lot of compilations out there of stuff to do for single people or young couples but most are either about how to save on your own date, how to get noticed, tips on nabbing the one, and all that. However, I believe much of the world is hungry for a different sort of love. While I won't deny that there are some useful tips in there about presenting yourself, turning up the chemistry, and dining out I did pick up on the fact that many of the suggestions might not involve the sort of love that genuinely gives. There are many ways to give to people around us on Valentine's day, whether you are a single man or woman or a couple who together would like to do something for someone else for a change.
1. Offer to babysit the kids of a couple you love on Vday so they can date. (Taking them with you to the runway is optional... lol) P.S. It's good practice for AFTER That Happily Ever After. 2. Cook a meal together for other people (in case that couple you offered to babysit for would rather stay home.) 3. Offer to babysit someone's pet...same idea, to provide freedom and SANITY while losing yours LOL. 4. Do the groceries for a working parent, unnoticed. 5. Last but not the least, show up on a beloved's doorstep uninvited, not because it's their birthday or a relative passed away. Do it just to see how they're doing, because you never know, they might need you just as much as you need them. You might just suddenly get this "arcane glimpse of the universe..."-TROY DYERJa ja, I couldn't help but release some butterflies in the post lol...and why not? Valentine's is just around the corner and remember...love is a much bigger thing than what we are to ourselves and we are invited into that much bigger space one step at a time or in some cases are thrust right into it. Watch this video about unconditional love.
"And at once I knew I was not magnificent, high above the highway aisle...but I could see for miles, miles, miles..." -BON IVER, Holocene