Career Magazine

5 Things Wedding Planners Shouldn’t Share with Brides on Social Media

By Sharonhill @sharonhill

5 Things Wedding Planners Shouldn't Share on Social Media

Politics are frequently a topic for debate on social media, and with the United States Presidential election only a few months away, many people all around the world are eager to share their opinions online. If you’re also inclined to voice your opinion, remember that when you have a wedding planning business, your clients, potential clients and vendors will able to read what you post. It’s best to stay silent on these and other topics that could make people hesitant to do business with you.

Here are 5 things you don’t want to share on social media:

1) Political opinions

When you post your political opinion, you could be alienating brides who are following you. If you’re thinking that it is OK because you only want to work with brides who share your views, understand that brides prefer a wedding planner who focuses their time on planning weddings,  not on sharing their opinions on social media.

2) Arguments with others

If you disagree with anyone on anything, don’t fight in public on social media. Brides don’t want to hire an angry wedding planner who takes to Facebook or Twitter to air their opinions on other people’s comments.

3) Complaints about brides and vendors

Even if you’ve had a difficult bride or a vendor who didn’t meet commitments, social media is not the place to air your grievances. Settle problems privately. Brides don’t want to hire a wedding planner who can’t manage their business or one who whines about others in public. And vendors don’t want to work with someone who might complain about them on social media when they work together.

4) Confidential information about your weddings

Of course, you won’t share details about wedding budgets, expenses or contracts. But you also need to check with your brides before posting information and photos about their weddings. While most won’t have a problem with you sharing photos or writing about their event, they may want to be the first ones to do it or they may not want to share all details with everyone.

5) Personal drama

Brides don’t need to know about black sheep relatives, relationship issues and any arguments between you and your family members. But, if your personal Facebook page is public, or you’ve become Facebook “Friends” with any brides or vendors, and you talk about your life online, they’ll know everything. You don’t need people in your professional life knowing all about your personal life. Think before you share. Keep any personal drama out of the public eye.

Always keep posts on your social media sites positive, upbeat and professional to attract the brides you want.

And if you have a pressing question about starting or running your wedding planning business, you can send me an email at I’ll answer them on this blog or in my ezine, “Wedding Planner Tips,” which you can subscribe to here.









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