“These Are The Lies” – The Cab
MCU was really formed on ideas from The Cab’s frontman, Alexander DeLeon, and I was really reaching back to my roots with this song.
“Running” – James Bay
Who doesn’t love James Bay’s voice? And how can you not compare it to a perfect fall day?
“Skeletons” – This Century
A little throwback and a perfect song for Halloween!
“Told Him” – Lenis
Sometimes you just need that daily remind to love yourself and take yourself out of toxic situations. Also this song is a total BOP, and I love the background vocals.
“Sleepy Eyes” – Whethan ft. Elohim
This has been on constant repeat as I’m seeing Whethan later today. Can’t wait to hear it live!
Filed under: Features Tagged: 5 songs to start off your week, elohim, james bay, lenis, the cab, this century, weekly playlist, whethan