Hair & Beauty Magazine

5 Product Face Tag

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris


Hey There,

I was tagged by the lovely Ami from Perksofbeingami for the 5 product face tag. At first I thought, 5 products to do my day face would be easy peasy, until I thought about the added extras of brows, bronzer and of course some lippy.

I decided to do mine for work, as I thought if I’m going to try and dress down my make up, or go a little more natural it would tend to be for work, I most definitely couldn’t stick to 5 products for a night out, I wouldn’t even attempt it.

My 5 Products:

1. Bourjois CC Cream – This base product gives my skin great coverage, but it doesn’t look or feel as heavy as a foundation, and as my product use had to be restricted I thought this base would give my skin a more ‘no make up’ make up look.
2. NYX Concealer – *Full review up in the next week* Well may I just start by saying that concealer has always played a very important role in my life, it has covered my skin in many a troubled times, not only through my teenage spot prone skin, but the signs of a late night to.
3. Cha Cha Tint – Now you may think this is a cheat product, but I think it is actually a rather clever one, as I get two uses out of it. That’s right, I never thought I would be so happy to have a lip and cheek tint in my life.
4. Loreal Eyeliner -It was a hard decision between winged liner, or eyeshadow, but with my new found obsession for liquid liner, it had to make it into the 5 product face tag.
5. And of course I could not go with out my beloved mascara, for this tag I used Bourjois 1 Seconde Volume Mascara.


If you could only choose 5 products, what would they be?

I tag:

Shree from Porcelainshree
Amy from Amzyinwonderland
Kate from Sugarfixxbeauty
Kirstie from Ayellowbrickblog
Alice from Anniewritesbeauty

And I tag any other beauty blogger who reads this and just wants to do it.

Check out there blogs, they are amazing and such lovely girls.

Lots of Love,

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