Do you ever get the winter blues? Having been born and raised in Hawaii, then going to college in Boston was like being a tropical fish in the Arctic Ocean. After four years, New England winters did not magically transform me into a polar bear.
It's been a decade since I've lived in the "Arctic" but throughout my professional life, I've lived in cities with colder winters. Yes, that's right! It's like an identity crisis for this #classycareergirl, a "Summer Girl".
Here are 5 things you can do to beat the winter blues:
1. Have a Snow Day
It's beautiful when it snows outside and even better when work and school is closed down for the day. One year, work was closed for a full week straight! There's something about getting "permission" to stay home that makes snow days even more relaxing and fun.
2. Take a Long Hot Shower
Being around water is therapeutic and since most cities that I've lived in since moving away from home have been at least an hour drive from the ocean, I find long hot showers to be just as beneficial. It's calming and helps me thaw! I do my best to be environmentally conscious but there are times where I treat myself to two showers a day!
3. Make a Delicious Hot Drink
There's something about sipping on hot chocolate, chai tea, and coffee when it's cold outside that makes it so much more enjoyable. During the summer, hot drinks just aren't enjoyable in the heat. But in the winter, I look forward to treating myself to the flavors that coffee and tea shops only offer during the winter months (peppermint!). I also find myself feeling healthier as I'm a lot more hydrated from constantly drinking hot liquids to stay warm.
4. Treat Yourself to Comfy Winter Clothes
Winter clothes tend to be looser and softer especially when it comes to fleece, cotton, and furry materials. Ugg boots are fun and comfortable to wear around all day. Aside from the comfort, I enjoy mixing and matching up scarves to brighten the look.
5. Make Space and Time to Recharge
As months become colder, our energy tends to shift to calmer levels and resonate with our surroundings of winter stillness. This gives us space to take it easy and breathing room to recuperate. Sometimes this means going to sleep earlier because the nights are longer or spending more time indoors, alone or with others. Either way, winter is nature's permission for us to use the time to recharge our energy and manifest our goals for the upcoming new year.
[Related: Be Happier Instantly]
How do you fight the winter blues? Let me know in the comments!
About the Author

Evelyn Sengkeo is a personal & professional life strategist, certified yoga teacher, and Reiki practitioner. She loves inspiring others to thrive in the silver linings of life.