Family Magazine

3B's Hits the Streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan

By Lilmumma08 @mummy2to0h
3B's Hits the streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage SedanMitsubishi Mirage sedan, is it for you? Is it for me? I read below to find out and see.
3B's Hits the streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan
Last Saturday we ventured on down to Alan Mance Mitsubishi in Footscray to pick up a Mitsubishi Mirage sedan for the week, or as my kids like to call “her” smurf (she was a smurf blue color.)
I won’t lie I was excited to trial this car, as all my life I have wanted a small meep meep but having kids it has the perception that they wont fit a family and more suited for a person without kids in tow.   The Mitsubishi Mirage also comes in a hatch, which I would imagine would have less room in the boot.
3B's Hits the streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan
My first impression:It wasn’t as small as I had imagined and loved the sedan, as it meant one thing to me- boot space (think it must be my Mummy way of thinking).  I opened it up to have a look and was immediately surprised at how much room was in there, I could fit a pram and so much more in there all at the one time.
3B's Hits the streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan
The interior and driving set up for me usually is what sells me to a car, if it is out dated and not nice to look at for some reason that deters me. But I was very impressed with the whole setup of the inside of the car; it was very well placed.  3B's Hits the streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan
If there was one thing I could change though it would be the color of the lights in the dash and radio of a night time, it is orange and quite old school.
3B's Hits the streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan
Driving it out of the dealership is when I first noticed the steering, very touchy and would take a little time to get used to. But it did make me think this car would be perfect for my grand mother that has arthritis as she wouldn’t have to fight the wheel just to turn a corner. Steering can be quite a task to get used to as it is very touchy, but once you master it, it is a treat. Returning to my Holden VY if felt like the VY had no power steering as it was so much harder then the Mirage.
3B's Hits the streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan
Some of the perks:
I learnt this from mistake, but the Mitsubishi Mirage has a Double tap indicator and you will get three seconds of the indicator blinking, perfect for lane changes.  When I discovered this, I couldn’t stop using it and came in handy many times.
The Mitsubishi Mirage also has an Auto Rain detector for the windscreen. Gone are the days when I had to decided if the mist was enough to have to turn my windscreen wipers on, only to discover the windscreen didn’t need it with a huge screech that made my teeth feel funny as the Mitsubishi Mirage does all the deciding for you.
It has Auto Lights, and not ridiculous like in my VY. I could be driving and barely see and yet my “auto” lights still don’t turn on, or take forever to adjust to my surrounding. These are great and as soon as you enter a tunnel they come on and as soon as you leave the tunnel they go off.
 Auto windows and the driver window once pressed goes all the way down automatically and also all the way up.
3B's Hits the streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan
The controls on the steering wheel are also easy to use and you have to actually press them, which makes accidently pressing buttons almost impossible.
Very fuel efficient:
Petrol only needed to be filled up once and it cost me $40 odd dollars to fill from empty. I drove the car every single day and each day I think I would have been exceeding 200km’s except for maybe one day, when the school run and post office trip is all I did.
3B's Hits the streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan
I wondered for quite some time what the B on the gear stick stood for, but then discovered is was an engine break, which is good for when the car in front slows down and you don’t want to break, making me feel like I am somewhat driving a manual.
Push start stop engine3B's Hits the streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan
This was a great feature, and made me feel like I was living in the present time rather then rattling away with my keys in the ignition. I did however get a little stuck after driving it out of the dealership and to Matt’s work for the day. I pressed the button and nothing happened… Luckily Matt was there and told me I had to have my foot on the break for it to start, DER!!!
Melbourne weather had me test both the air conditioner and heater in a matter of a week, and both work better then any other car Matt and I have owned.  I do like the auto feature where you set the temperature you want the car and the aircon or heater will work its magic until it reaches that temperature, and will then work to keep it that temperature. Although I wouldn’t recommend on a hot day to use it, as I set it on 18 degrees and the air conditioner pumped it up full ball and it felt like I was trapped in a cold wind storm haha.
3B's Hits the streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan
The Interior:The front I found was quite roomy, even compared to my VY. Having said that though when Matt did come for drives in this car he looked quite squished compared to what he looks like all roomy in his Territory.
3B's Hits the streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan
For some strange reason I really like the material used on the chairs, the patterns weren’t daggy and wouldn’t become outdated. They were soft to touch, but did pick up lots of dust particles and bits and pieces off your clothes, but could easily be brushed off with your hand.Three built in car seat anchors in the back, great for growing families.
3B's Hits the streets in a Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan
Conclusion:Well the only negative to this car I could find would be the fact that when you take off it is quite noisy and sounds very much like a manual. But with the music turned up you don’t notice it at all. So with only having the one negative and maybe the fact I cant call it mine J I have a whole new opinion on a smaller car being for a family and now want one to zip around in without breaking the bank with fuel costs.
Love it and highly rate it.  Thank you to those who made, testing out the new Mitsubishi Mirage out.    

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