Hair & Beauty Magazine

31DC2014 Day 16: Geometric

By Pinkandpolished
Hey guys!It's day 16 of the 31 Day Challenge 2014 and the them is geometric! I went the easy route today again with some stamping, but I have tomorrow off of work so I should be able to get back into doing some more fun free hand work! But these nails are so fun and colorful it makes the stamping okay! ;) I started off with a four different bases, Color Club Eternal Beauty, Color Club Miss Bliss, Color Club Over The Moon, and Color Club Kismet. When they were all dry I stamped over them using Bundle Monster's plate BM-417 and LA Colors Black. I sealed it all in with some Essie Good To Go and the design was finished!31DC2014 Day 16: Geometric
31DC2014 Day 16: Geometric
31DC2014 Day 16: Geometric
31DC2014 Day 16: Geometric
I love using the Color Club Halo Hues they're just so holographic and sparkly and everything that makes me smile! ;) And the fun triangle stamp doesn't tone down the holographic-ness at all! Okay guys it's your turn, post a link to your 31DC2014 geometric nails in the comments so I can see! Thanks loves :) 31DC2014 Day 16: Geometric

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