Hair & Beauty Magazine

30 Day Squat Challenge

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

Hey there,

I’m sure I’m not the only one, who follows numerous fitness accounts, with perfectly shaped female fitness models, with annoyingly perfect, big, round bums, (They are all over my Instagram feed). Well it is these fitness models, who have motivated me, to take up this 30 day squat challenge.

I have always tried to incorporate squatting into my training, it is such an amazing core exercise, and of course, it helps tone the bum and legs… It is definitely one of my favorite exercises. However, because I go through stages of religiously attending the gym and then weeks of lazing around, I have never really noticed a difference from squatting. So after seeing one too many women with great bums on Instagram, I thought I would give the 30 day squat challenge a go, and see if it makes a difference.

I know my bums not going to go from the shape it is now, to the girls in the fitness pics, in just 30 days….but I am hoping to see some improvement.

The 30 day squat challenge, starts at 50 and ends at 250 squats a day. I have actually put mine on post-it notes, and stuck them to my mirror. This way, I will see it every morning and night, and be reminded that I need to complete them. I can also take the post-it into work, (For lunchtime squats), and take them down after each day, (Kind of like a countdown).

Today was my first day, with only 50 squats to do. I decided to split it up, and do 25 in the morning and then 25 in the evening. I tend to do weighted squats in the gym, but for this challenge, Im not using weights…Maybe after the thirty days are complete I could introduce them.



Hope your all having a lovely evening.

Lots of love,

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