It’s the last day of 2012, have you written your goals and action plans for 2013?
For wedding planners it’s so easy to sit down with brides and help them set goals, put together timelines, and make plans for a wedding. But for some reason, it’s much more difficult for us to set goals for our own professional and personal lives.
If you haven’t taken the time to write down your goals and plans for 2013, do it right away. If you struggle with the process, make it simple and use these three steps.
Step 1 – Write down what you really want to accomplish in 2013
You’ll want to have both professional and personal goals but don’t write down so many that you’ll feel overwhelmed and defeated before you even start. Make sure they are measurable and attainable within the year. It’s not realistic, for example, to think you can become a millionaire celebrity wedding planner by next December, if you’ve never planned any weddings.
Step 2 - Write down your plan for how you are going to make your goals happen
If you are starting a wedding planning business this might mean taking classes in business or going out and finding wedding vendors with whom you can partner to plan weddings. Or you might need to do some research, decide which brides you want to target, and start learning all about them and how to best market to them. (You can be the best wedding planner in the world but if you don’t market your services correctly to the brides in your niche, they will never hear about you.)
Step 3 – Take action and track your progress
Schedule time on your calendar each week for completing the steps in your action plan. Review your progress at the end of each month so you can keep yourself working towards your goals.
By the way, just thinking about what you want to accomplish doesn’t count. Get those goals out of your head and onto paper or into your computer or tablet. Being able to look at them each day will help remind you of what you need to do to make 2013 your best year ever.
Have a safe, happy, New Year’s Eve!