Family Magazine

2014 Cleo Most Eligible Bachelors

By Lilmumma08 @mummy2to0h
2014 Cleo Most Eligible Bachelors2014 Cleo Most Eligible BachelorsIs it getting hot in here? No well on Wednesday it certainly was inside St Hotel St. Kilda with the official announcement and after party for 2014’s Cleo’s Most Eligible Bachelor.2014 Cleo Most Eligible Bachelors
2014 Cleo Most Eligible BachelorsThese were the top 30 Bachelors, all whom I was surrounded by on the night. 
Can I just say, “HELLO EYE CANDY”- wowie guys you nailed this years top 30 picks, and I must say it would have been hard for me to pick a winner that is for sure.2014 Cleo Most Eligible BachelorsBut there could only be one WINNER and this year it was none other then Thien Nguyen who is 28 and a personal trainer. In a short interview with CLEO Thien was asked:2014 Cleo Most Eligible BachelorsQ: I’d make a good CLEO Bachelor because…A: I think I’m the overall package. I have a good personality, I’m not the best looking, I’m not the most ripped, but I think I have that attitude where I’m willing to try. It’s basically about making the most out of a situation.2014 Cleo Most Eligible Bachelors
I consider myself super lucky to have been asked to come along to this event, and it now tops the list as my best event this year.2014 Cleo Most Eligible BachelorsThe Beautiful Bondi Hipster's and myself.
There was a star-studded crowd and mingling with some Aussie celebrities was just like a dream, I did find myself pinching myself actually. 2014 Cleo Most Eligible BachelorsTully from Big Brother and Myself.
I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the ladies left with a man on their arm at the end of the night, how could you resist this stellar line-up!2014 Cleo Most Eligible BachelorsBachelors having a little dance off. 
The Cleo bachelors were surprisingly easy to talk to and were more then happy to strike up a conversation and snap some photos here in there. I loved how down to Earth almost every single one of these men were, and I wondered how on Earth they were still bachelors- come on ladies game face!! 2014 Cleo Most Eligible BachelorsUntil next year, that is all you will hear from me on the Cleo Bachelor Front, MASSIVE congrats to Thien once again!! I will leave you with some treats :-) 2014 Cleo Most Eligible Bachelors
2014 Cleo Most Eligible Bachelors
2014 Cleo Most Eligible Bachelors Cleo Most Eligible Bachelors

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