*Winners in Bold
After a night of controversy Raw kicks off from Charlotte, North Carolina with the source of that controversy. The WWE Champion CM Punk with Paul Heyman as company addressed the fans after surviving Hell in a Cell even if he had some scars from the match. He then tells the WWE Universe that he wasn’t behind Brad Maddox’s attack on Ryback that he only took advantage of the situation. He then reminds everyone that Maddox was the same referee that screwed up a call costing him a match. Soon he is interrupted by Mick Foley who tells him he blew it at Hell in a Cell by not following the tradition. To this Punk had an awesome response by showing how he was injured while saying that’s what Foley and the other legends did. Then Punk proposes a Traditional 5 on 5 elimination tag match for Survivor Series of Team Foley vs Team Punk. After Foley accepting the challenge Ryback made his way to the ring while Punk and Heyman escaped through the crowd and this time Security was on the right place.
Ryback vs JTG—Yeah JTG is still employed and he lost. After the match Ryback did his best Ultimate Warrior impression for a promo followed by him yelling “Feed Me Punk”.
Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton—In a rematch of Friday Night Smackdown these two faced again. Good match that did more for Orton than it did for Barrett.
At backstage Vickie Guerrero talks with AJ about giving her a contract as a competitor. It looks like when AJ resigned it wasn’t just to the General Manager position.
Team Hell No (via sub) vs Prime Time Players—Technically this was the match of the tag teams that lost the previous night at Hell in a Cell. The tag division is slowly coming back to life and seeing actual teams have good matches is a good thing.
After this match the commentators Jim Ross and Michael Cole take a minute to talk about Brad Maddox the referee that screwed Ryback. They show clips of what went down on the main event and what went down a month ago with Punk.
It was time for Christo…Vickie Guerrero to reveal the “affair” evidence and by her side was the man implicated in all this John Cena. She shows a picture of Cena eating with AJ. Then she shows a video where the two ride into a Elevator in a very suspicious way. Following that the fans obviously male audience started chanting “You got busted”. After this Ziggler appears and the feud between Cena and Ziggler continues.
Antonio Cesaro vs Kofi Kingston (via DQ) with The Miz at commentary—A Champion vs Champion match that was quickly interrupted by The Miz after Kingston threw Cesaro over him. After the match ended both heels attacked Kingston until R-Truth made an appearance to save Kingston. It looks like the Kingston-Miz saga will continue and that Antonio might get a new challenger.
Backstage Vickie Guerrero want s AJ to admit she had something with Cena to get her job back. But even without AJ admitting the crime that she’s been accused she got her job back and a match against Beth Phoenix.
The Jobber Squad now named 3MB had their “Behind the Music” video. The video was so ridiculous and stupid that its was awesome. Since the Anger Management skits I haven’t laugh that much.
Zack Ryder & Santino Marella vs 3MB (Heath Slater & Jinder Mahal)—In a match that might end up with a lot of channel changes the new band formed by Slater, McIntyre and Mahal had a nice showing. Where will it go? Will it get over? Who knows, but trying things like this doesn’t hurt anybody.
AJ Lee vs Beth Phoenix—Like always the little girl manage to get a win with Beth’s mortal enemy the roll-up. After that win Vickie Guerrero restarts the match and AJ loses by taking a Glam Slam.
After his loss Sheamus came out to address the fans. He told that Big Show was the better man but that was a battle and he will win the war. Big Show appears and tells Sheamus he can’t beat him. Something as simple as this segment and the great match they had at Hell in a Cell makes the World title more interesting than the WWE title.
Backstage John Cena is giving some support to AJ and Vickie gets a peek at it. The Beth Phoenix appears to thank Vickie for restarting the match. Then Vickie fires her. It looks like the divas have their send off now by being fired at backstage.
Sin Cara & Rey Mysterio vs Rhodes Scholars—A match with the winners of Hell in a Cell. This match was pretty good and it shows how the division has been improving. Rhodes helping Sandow to get the win just shows how good they’re as a team.
Backstage Foley is plugging WWE 13 when Heyman appears. They both talk about their teams before the big reveal.
Alberto del Rio (via sub) vs Justin Gabriel—Just like after every PPV loss Alberto came more vicious after Gabriel. He looks good that way but it doesn’t matter when he faces the people he has to beat.
Heyman introduces the WWE Champion CM Punk and then his team. Team Punk has: The Miz, Rhodes Scholars and ironically the man Punk beat a year ago for the title Alberto del Rio. At least Alberto and Punk had a little staredown that told the story of a year ago. Now for Team Foley it was: Kofi Kingston, Team Hell No, Randy Orton and Ryback taking Foley’s place. A brawl kicks off and Punk leaves and closes the show with him holding the title over his head while Ryback destroyed Cody Rhodes.
After a bad pay-per-view this show was maybe as bad. The Foley and Punk segment was cool but the team revealing was disappointing. Also the fact that the Maddox situation wasn’t cleared tonight was a big let down. If Punk isn’t responsible for Maddox that means that someone wants Punk as Champion, but who? And WWE if you’re going to steal TNA storylines choose better ones. The “affair” thing with the good guy involved in it wasn’t a hit on TNA and it isn’t going to be at WWE. Plus there is no Christopher Daniels with an Appletini to save that angle.
Final Score: 7/10