Some of these tips I use at home but the majority of them I learnt from my mom. She believes in minimizing the use of chemicals when it comes to household cleaners. I don't have a preference when it comes to brands, but I do use - MP, Matouk's, Mabel's or Heinz.What's the scoop on distilled vinegar?Distilled vinegar is very economical and effective way to combat mold, germs, odors and bacteria in any living area at all. Here are some ideas!To remove limescale from a kettle: I use this quite a bit. Simply fill your kettle with water and add about 4-5 cap fulls of vinegar. Put this to boil. When the water is cooled, empty kettle and clean with your dish sponge.To unclog shower heads: Another of my handy uses for vinegar. You can either detach your shower head and place in a container of vinegar for an hour (or longer if you desire). Or, if detaching the shower head is proving difficult, put the liquid in a deep enough container and hold under the shower head, partially covering it. Your arms may hurt a bit from holding the container up, but that quickly goes away.Cleaning kitchen counters: After cooking, take a clean damp cloth with full strength vinegar and wipe the counters down. This takes away any lingering odors, ingredient residue and grease splatters which might remain.Good for garbage pails in the home: Vinegar is good at fighting odors and odors coming from your garbage pail are no exception. Who wants a smelly kitchen? My pail is not terribly large so I use a 1/2 cup vinegar and fill the pail with water. Let sit just for a bit then use an old rag to clean the interior and exterior.To get rid of stains from food containers: If you are like me and don't like your Tupperware looking greasy and stained then this is how I deal with the situation. Just pour full strength vinegar into the container and let sit for about 20 mins or so (you will determine the length of time given the gravity of the situation). Then clean.To brighten your kitchen and bathroom chrome fixtures: Just dampen a clean cloth with undiluted vinegar and rub onto fixture.Cleaning dusty windows or finger-streaked mirrors: Soak a clean cloth with vinegar and wipe glass windows or mirrors clean. An alternative is to pour vinegar into a spray bottle (can be bought from any hardware store). Spray as desired.Easily clean your washing machine: Ever so often to remove the soapy residue inside your machine, pour 1/2-1 full cup of vinegar into the empty machine and send through rinse or normal cycle.Removing sticky tags/bumper stickers: Damp undiluted vinegar onto the sticker (stickers/decals etc.)and allow it to soak in for a while. Rub the area, the sticker should be off in no time. Works well on removing my daughter's stickers (or what's left after she tries to remove them herself) from the refrigerator door.And finally my fave of all, mopping with white vinegar! Yes, mopping: In a clean mop bucket filled with water add 1 cup of vinegar. And, mop! When I tell you that the floors are clean, I mean the floors are clean! Unlike the sticky feeling some consumer mopping solutions give, Vinegar gives the floors a natural clean feeling. No shiny film!If you have other uses for white vinegar around the home, share the wealth! Knowledge is power! I'd love to hear from you.