Diet & Weight Magazine

What To Do When You’re In A Funk

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus
When you're lacking your usual oomph and can't seem to muster up the motivation to do what you love, follow these tips on what to do when you're in a funk. What To Do When You’re In A Funk

Welcome to another great Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up where Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama, Jen from Pretty Little Grub, and I bring you workout ideas, motivation, inspiration and recipes to try. Join us each week by reading along, linking up and grab the button to proudly display on your blog/in your posts!

What To Do When You’re In A Funk

I have to be upfront with you. This post is going to be pretty self-serving. Of course, I hope it helps all of you, but I'm writing it mostly to help myself. You see, I'm currently shoulder deep in one of the biggest funks of my life.

Since moving to Austin, I haven't had the drive to workout like I used to. I haven't wanted to train for races (I don't even have any on my race calendar). I haven't had the motivation to eat as well as I used to. Even blogging, one of my greatest passions, has seemed tedious to me at times.

I used to wake up every morning to get in a sweat before work, and lately I just can't bring myself to get out of bed. Sometimes I'll still workout after work, but most times I just phone it in.

I could go into all the excuses I have for not working out or not eating well these past few weeks, but that won't get me anywhere. What I will say is that I'm ready to get back to normal.

I thought that by sharing my get-out-of-this-funk plan with all of you I'd a) have you to hold me accountable, b) be able to finally hold myself accountable and c) see if any of you can relate and share your tips with me!

What To Do When You’re In A Funk

Step 1. Come to terms with the fact you're in a funk

This is a very important first step. Admit you're in a funk. It's ok. It happens.

Step 2. Tell a close friend (or two)

Talk it out. Let someone know you're in a funk, just like I'm doing right now with all of you. Sometimes just talking it out will help you pull yourself out of it. They may be able to offer some advice, and I'm sure they'll be able to offer their support. If you're in a fitness funk, see if they'll join you for a few classes or workouts. If you're in a healthy-eating funk, see if they have a new recipe to share or if they'd be willing to meet you for healthy-food dates. If you're in a blogging funk, see if they have any post ideas for you.

Step 3. Make a plan

This is important. Write down the actions you're going to take to get out of your funk. Whatever it is that you usually have a passion for, create a plan of attack to get that passion back. List out the workouts you're going to do that week, write down the meditations you're going to do, pick out your meals and prep them, list out your blog post plan for the week, etc. Put your plan somewhere you can see it, like on the fridge or taped to the bathroom mirror. Look at it when you wake up and before you go to bed, and try to stick to it as best you can. I did a bunch of meal prepping over the weekend. I made egg muffins for breakfast, these Turmeric Chicken power bowls for lunch, Blueberry Sunbutter bites for a snack and Crockpot Turkey Bolognese for dinner. The goal is to only eat the food I made this week. I also wrote down all my workouts and set my alarm for each morning.

Step 4. Ask for help

Once you have a plan, ask someone to help you stick to it. Part of this may come in step 2. Ask a friend to meet you for a workout or text you see if did your daily meditation. A lot of times, we just need others to give us a little kick in the butt. I plan on asking Will to make sure I get my butt up in the morning and asking a few friends to join me for workouts. I also shared meal prep plans with a friend.

Step 5. Attack

You have a plan. You have a support system in place. All that's left is to get to it! You may have a surge of motivation at first. That may wane after the initial push, but try as best as you can to keep going. Remember to take it one day at a time, and try not to beat yourself up if you fall off track. Hopefully, once you get back at it, you're fire will re-ignite and you'll fall back into the lifestyle you used to love.

Remember, funks happen. You are not weak or lazy for falling into one (I say this because those are some of the negative-self-talk things I've said to myself). Funks suck, and the longer you're in them, the harder they are to get out of, but you can get out of it!

I'm feeling great after writing this and coming up with my plan. If any of you are feeling like you're in a funk, I hope this helped you as well.

Note: If you've been struggling with feeling in a funk for a long time and your funk may be bordering on depression, please don't hesitate to consult a mental health practitioner for help.

I'm also excited to see what you all have cooking for Wild Workout Wednesday. Maybe I'll add some of your workouts to my plan of attack.

Also, be sure to check out Suzlyfe today! I'm guest posting over there. Woot!

Let's Chat:
How do you get out of a funk?

What To Do When You’re In A Funk

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