Diet & Weight Magazine

I Dare You To…

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

When you first decide that you want to lead a healthier lifestyle, all of the options and things you need to learn can seem overwhelming.

What food do I buy?
How many calories do I need?
What exercise should I do?
How much exercise should I be getting?
How the heck do I prepare quinoa?
What the heck IS quinoa?

Healthy Living Confusion via Fitful Focus

This post is sponsored by UnitedHealthcare.

The key to successfully starting a healthier lifestyle, and sticking to it, is to take baby steps – which is why I’m happy to partner with UnitedHealthcare’s new We Dare You to Share campaign

UnitedHealthcare We Dare You To Share via Fitful Focus

The goal of the campaign is to get people to take small steps to live a little bit healthier every day, whether that is by eating healthier, or practicing healthier activities. Perfect!

The We Dare You to Share website features three healthy dares each month. I just did all the March challenges and not only are they simple, but they’re also fun! 

Dare 1: share a photo of your healthy breakfast
Dare 2: take a Nutrition quiz
Dare 3: share your opinion about a food label video.

I shared my Brownie Protein Oats (you can see them on the site here and get the recipe here), took the quiz and aced it (go me!), and learned some cool stuff from the food label video. 

UnitedHealthcare We Dare You To Share via Fitful Focus

Why take on these dares? For the sheer satisfaction of knowing you’re taking a step toward a healthier life and possibly even learning something new, obvs.

Ok, ok… there are prizes involved too (cause, ya know, material things make us happier and happier people are healthier people, right?!). For each dare you complete, you’ll be entered for a chance to win prizes such as: grand prizes of a Cast Iron French Oven, an iPad/Tablet/Ereader, or a $400 Amazon gift card, and weekly prizes of $25. 

It is St. Patty’s Day – are you feeling lucky?

Then head on over here and take the dares, I triple dog dare you! 

Triple Dog Dare via Fitful Focus

I’m taking the @Source4Women We Dare You To Share Challenge. I dare you to take it too!
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Let’s Chat:
What’s you favorite healthy breakfast? 
Do you know the answer to the grapefruit question?
Do you read food labels before you purchase something?

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