Every couple of months Zoella always surprises us with something new and this year saw her bring out her Zoella Lifestyle range with stationary candles and a lot more to add to the Christmas collection for this year, I watched Zoe's new video for her Christmas range and said to myself that i want all of this and i am gonna get it now or later because i know that everything will sell out and i am left with nothing witch was something that i wouldn't want.My mom said to me that i have way to much stuff from Zoella Beauty and i explained to her that this one of my favorite collections in the world since Zoe launched it in 2014, My mom doesn't even know who Zoella is until i had to explain to her who she was and what she does for her amazing fans, She then had a sniff of the soak opera and she loved it the second she sniffed it and then she said ohh... that is a really nice scent and she wanted to take a bath with it, My auntie also wanted to have a sniff of some of this amazing scent and my auntie doesn't like a lot of bathing things and she loved the mini fizz bar trio set and she said oh yes..... and she loved it and asked me to go and get her some, So as Christmas is around the corner i think i will get her some of the range as she loves the gingerbread scent hungry hands hand creme. Now my mom understands why i buy Zoella beauty items now because they are so define and adorable for your bathroom.I have got everything from the Christmas collection for 2016 and i am so happy and thrilled with everything that was brought out and Zoella has worked so hard on these lovely gifts for 2016! Here are a few of my short reviews on each product from the range.
The ReviewsBest Chums Coin Purses - £12.00I think this set is good value for money and also you can give one to one of your best friends or sister or a family member, The purses itself has plenty of room to store anything you like in there and will hold plenty, I haven't decided on what i am gonna use mine for as yet.
Deck The Baubles - £5.00OMG! this is one of my favourites from the range so far i have already used one up when i took a bath a few weeks ago and it was one of the best baths that i ever had, This bubble bath is scented with gingerbread and it will make your bath super bubbly and i love the idea how you can hang this on your Christmas tree as a super bauble and it is so small and compact that you could take it away on your travels so you can enjoy a gingerbread bath at anytime.
Gingerbread & Bake My Day Fragrance Gift Set - £10.00I was waiting for this to come back into stock when i originally placed the order for my items as i wanted the bake my day gingerbread fragrance for a long time, I cannot fault with this fragrance set for this year as it is one of the best and the scent is to die for and you can easily eat it because the gingerbread scent is so strong and tasty, The ginger cream is to die for as well as i have been using it since the day i received the items and it has blended into my skin very well and lasts for hours everytime i have used it. I hope that Zoella brings this fragrance to her permeant collection as i absolutely love it.
Gingerbread Bath Fizzer Gift Set - £8.00When i received this in the post i thought that they were the most adorable things that i have ever seen for a bath fizzer, I have never got on with bath fizzers and i have bought every one that Zoella has brought out but these gingerbread ones were just to adorable to use in the bath, I love the gingerbread scent in this little set of 3 gingerbread men and i just cannot fault with the set at all the packaging is so adorable and cute and as i love them so much i have bought some more, I love them so much.
Hungry Hands Hand Creme - £5.00One oSf the best scented hand cremes in the world, I have been using this gingerbread hand creme since the day i received it as i love the scent that i wanted it so badly, I have never ever used hand creme on my hands before until zoella brought out wonderland hand creme and that made me wanna take more care and pride into my hands to take more attention to them, This gingerbread scented one is to die for and the scent is so true to gingerbread men and you can smell it from miles away! As i already own two tubes of it i will have plenty to last me over next year.
Just Crackers - £10.00This was a brilliant idea that Zoe had because every year we have crackers around our table with all of my family and i can sometimes get quite scared about pulling one open because there might be a spider in one of them, As i saw these beauties i wanted to see what they had inside of them and they were amazing small travel sizes of hand creme lip balm and shower gel witch i was kinda naughty and opened them before Christmas day! I love the design on these crackers and i will be getting some more before the big day as i think it would be so different to have new crackers then to have the original old ones that doesn't contain hardly anything in.
Let's Go Places - £25.00This was one of my second favorite items from the collection as it contained a shower glaze Gingercream Hungry Hands and a body puff in this amazing pink and white travel box, I wanted to try the shower glaze after i had a sniff of it and it smelt amazing and i started to use it after that, And i also loved the little shower puff that came in the set. I am using my case for my skin care products.
Lip Balm Duo - £6.00I have found that these are so much improved from last years lip balm duo that was impossible to get as they was sold out everywhere, I love the glitter one and the good thing is about these lip balms is that they are scented with gingerbread and i would of never thought that Zoe would make a lip product that contains the gingerbread scent. I haven't had the chance to use them as yet but they look so pretty.
Pamper Hamper - £45.00This was the most expensive item from the whole collection that contained so many products in and i wanted this product more then anything as i could use the box to store my all of my bath products in when i don't use them. The presentation of the hamper was very adorable and i loved the Gingerbread scent that was all though the hamper itself and like last years box there are limited edition items in there that you cannot get elsewhere and i think that was the bake my day make up bag witch is super adorable. Best collection ever for Christmas.
Secret Santa Mini Mist Set - £15.00Super adorable mini set of Zoella's all fragrances that is super ideal for traveling and to keep in your bag when needed, I think that it was a super ideal to bring these out as i would like to keep one in my bag as i sometimes travel down to wales to see my dad and these little minis are super ideal for when i need to take any perfumes with me.
Spa In A Jar - £10.00A lovely set that had a exclusive Zoella flannel and two travel sizes of the Gingercreme and shower glaze witch i have now used, I like the jar that had the items in as i can use for something but i don't know as yet, This is good value for money and i was in need of a new flannel so this set was ideal for me.
We 3 Beauties Cosmetic Bag Trio - £18.00A beautiful set of 3 cosmetic bags and the glitter one is my favorite one and these do sound a little bit overpriced but you are getting 3 bags in one and its a good deal as well. I haven't used mine as yet as they are so beautiful for me to use,
This year's Christmas collection from Zoella hasn't disappointed me at all and i absolutely love everything and all the hard work that she has put into every product from start to finish. She has come a long way since 2015's Christmas collection where i wasn't able to get hardly anything from the range as everything was sold out online and also in my local Superdrug store, The products that i did have was the Awesome drawsome bathing collection set that was reduced in the black Friday sale from £50 to £34 and i loved that set and also what came with it too! A few days later the little pull tabs broke and i had to throw it away and i was so upset. And the last item i got was the shimmer dust and that was also sold out and i liked the packaging for this and how pretty it was and the rest cost me a lot over the cause of this year. I am so happy that i got everything in time just before the Christmas rush and i was quite shocked when Zoe announced it really early! Maybe she wanted to bring out the collection in September because it does sell out kinda quick and she didn't want fans and people being disappointed that wasn't able to get anything from the collection. My Superdrug for some reason doesn't stock everything so i ordered everything from the collection on line and i will continue to use this stuff for the rest of my life and i wonder whats next in Zoella beauty!You can view the complete range on Superdrug.com
Love Rianna XSaveSave