A pluot, for example, is hybrid fruit grown from plums and apricots. Pluots are very sweet, and are available in wide varieties. They pack a big nutritional punch and are low in fat, perfect for snacking! Due to their somewhat mottled coloration, they are also referred to as Dinosaur Eggs, and are given strange names like "flavor grenade," "dapple dandy," and "flavorglo." The "flavor heart" is one of the largest kinds, heart shaped with black skin and yellow flesh.
While pluots are bred, they are not genetically modified. Floyd Zaiger, a farmer-geneticist, introduced pluots in the 1980s after cross-breeding plums and apricots by hand pollination. You should certainly do your research on others if you have concerns.
Some other hybrids may surprise you – see how many of these you knew:
Yuzu fruit is a hybrid variety of mandarin and papeda, and is very similar to grapefruit. It's one of the most important fruits in Asia.
Boysenberry is a cross between blackberry, loganberry and raspberry. It is a deep maroon color that turns black when it ripens.
Tangelo is a hybrid of tangerine and pomelo or grapefruit, and closely resembles a mandarin.
Grapefruit is a hybrid of two citrus species, pummelo and sweet orange. It’s great for your skin and eyesight by the way. I had NO idea it was a hybrid!