Living in a home that is both stylish and practical is essential for families in the modern age. Practicality should come first – you should live in a home that suits your needs and lifestyle perfectly. Then you should focus on making your home look good so that you and your loved ones actually enjoy spending time in there! Focusing on aesthetics before you focus on practicality and functionality can mean ending up wanting to move in a few years time because you didn’t make the best decision.
Below you’ll find some advice that will help you to create your very own stylish but practical family home. Enjoy!
Wipe Clean Surfaces Are King
If you have kids and even pets, wipe clean surfaces are going to be your best friend in the home. You’ll need to make sure you can quickly and easily wipe up spills and other marks so that your home doesn’t look dirty all the time!
Wood flooring, laminate, ceramic, marble, and similar surfaces can all be great and are fairly easy to clean. This doesn’t mean that all of your surfaces need to be super smooth and shiny, though. There are even carpets you can purchase these days that are stain resistant. All you have to do is soak them up and they won’t make a mark on your carpet at all – even things like carrot juice! Plus, carpets have the added benefit of being soft enough to prevent injuries when falling over – as kids tend to do a lot. They can also soak up some of that extra noise pollution if you’re worried that everybody will make a racket.
There are pros and cons to all types of flooring, so make sure you research them carefully before making your final decision. If you have very young kids, it could be an idea to at least put some rugs down to ensure they are protected if they fall.
Durable Furniture Is A Must
When it comes to furniture, you want to pick items that are going to be durable – you want them to last and last. The right furniture may be expensive, but it can last for years. Sometimes forever!
With kids, whether grown up or small, your furniture is going to be used regularly. By focusing on buying high quality pieces that will last, you’ll spend less in the long run as you won’t constantly have to look into reupholstering and buying new. Think very carefully about things like material and color before you buy. Consider how often you are likely to use the furniture, too. If you rarely eat together at the dining table, you probably don’t need to spend all that much on it. However, if you eat food there every day together, making sure you buy one that will look great even with some wear is important.

Plenty Of Storage Is Needed
Every family needs plenty of storage. As your family grows, you’ll naturally accumulate more things. There are lots of storage options that could work for you, from stacking crates for your playroom to beds that double up as storage. Make sure you think about the storage you’ll need before you even buy a property if you can. Looking at lofts for sale can be a good idea if you only intend on keeping your family small, but storage space may be limited. Wherever possible, double up with your storage space. Making the most of your vertical space with storage is great, as you keep floor space free and have more room to live comfortably.
Add Photographs And Souvenirs
Photographs and souvenirs add personality to your home and they tell people who visit a little about you. They’ll make you happier when you look at them, rather than meaningless clutter that often finds its way inside of houses. Have a gallery wall filled with your favorite pictures, and make sure you show off things you picked up on trips!
Keep Things As Clutter Free As Possible
Clutter comes in two forms: visual clutter, and actual clutter. Visual clutter are pieces that aren’t necessarily getting in the way, but are making the place look messy. This can happen if you use too many small ornaments in your decor. It makes the room look messier than it is although it’s not harming anybody.
Actual clutter takes up valuable space in your home. Make sure you purge regularly to keep it at bay. Only bring things into your home if you really love them!