Community Magazine

Young People Can Be Trained to Help Their Peers …

By Gran13

From Terrie Riley’s site:-

 I’ve said this before but it’s worth repetition. We should organize a group of young people and train them to help other youngsters aged 11 till 18 who are able to spot the early signs of a mental health problem in their peers.

They will feel confident about helping another young person who is experiencing a brain illness, provide him/her with first aid, help protect another peer who might be at risk, and so prevent a mental illness from getting worse by persuading that person to seek medical help. Last but not least, this could help reduce the stigma associated with mental health problems.

One in ten young people experience emotional and mental health problems, so by the time they become adults, the incidence of mental health rises to between one in four. For youth aged 15 to 24, suicide is the second most common cause of death I read that there is evidence to suggest that early intervention is beneficial.

We must have healthy schools. All the people caring for our children need to have more awareness.

A young woman who has been trained in one of these courses said: “This course changed the way I speak with a young person. I see beyond what I thought I saw. It is most definitely one of the best courses I have ever taken.”

Another said: “I have a much better understanding of how other people feel. It has given me confidence and more empathy toward mental health issues. In all the years as a police officer, I did not learn as much as I have during this course.”

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